Eliminate gossip so it doesn’t kill your career

“Did you hear that our department is going to take a big budget cut?”

“Guess what our beloved boss has decided to do next.”

“It sounds like Marvin is getting a lot of phone calls that aren’t from his wife.”

Yes, these comments represent one of the most sinister threats to your career. If you choose to participate by listening and spreading company gossip, you have started a downward spiral. Consider these five reasons why gossip threatens your reputation and your long-term position in your corporation.

ONE: Gossip marks you as a negative person.

As a creator or spreader of bad news, you seem toxic. You poison the atmosphere of the workplace. Eventually, some of your colleagues will walk away from you at lunch and coffee times.

Worse yet, your negative outlook will keep you near the bottom of the organization chart. Because? Companies want supportive, happy leaders who look for the best in others.

TWO: Gossip is often not true.

Gossip generally does not equal “gospel truth.” Gossip spreaders enjoy spreading rumors based on assumptions and suspicions. So when you engage with what might not be factual, you are supporting dishonest dialogue. That is disastrous for your image.

THREE: Gossip is not necessarily confidential.

A coworker tells us, “Now you can be sure this is just between you and me, okay?” No, that’s not cool, because the person telling you this has probably said the same thing to half a dozen other team members.

Also keep in mind that when the gossipy employee talks to another person, they will most likely quote what you said, despite the promise of confidentiality.

OVEN: The person who gossips with you will gossip about you.

What guarantees that you are immune from becoming a victim of gossip when you have listened to the detractors of the office and shared their comments? Nothing. Once you give that person your ear and your words, you may become the next target.

FIVE: Gossip destroys group morality.

And when morale takes a nosedive, the CEO will start asking questions until he identifies employees spreading rumors, accusations, assumptions, and slander. That could lead to a reprimand or, worse, dismissal.


There are two easy ways to stop gossip and thus protect your career.

First, when your caustic workplace critic unleashes a barrage of nasty remarks about a colleague, simply say, “Please don’t say anything more about Jim. He’s a team member I respect a lot. He’s supported me.” and cooperated with me always”. since the company brought me on board. I choose not to talk about him unless I have something affirming to share now.”

Second, insist on documentation. “You’re saying that Ellen has been involved in the illegal delivery of our accounts. Before we talk about this further, I want you to bring me a list of specific transactions and their dates. When you do, I’ll consider your evidence carefully.” .”

Use these two gossip killers and you’ll keep your career safe from slanderous sabotage.


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