The Motorola FlipOut is the latest Android phone from the manufacturer

Motorola has scored another winner by introducing the new FlipOut phone powered by MotoBlur. It features a number of innovations including a Qwerty-style keyboard, a battery manager that helps save power, and a social networking service that allows users to keep track of all their instant messages and emails. This means that staying in touch via Facebook, Twitter or MySpace is just a click away.

Due to the new technology that goes into units of this type, some users forget about the fact that it is built on a phone base. Not so with this model, as the designers have also incorporated a proprietary software and hardware system called CrystalTalk PLUS that makes voice quality crystal clear while helping to filter out unnecessary background noise. This alone would be enough to make most people happy.

While the Motorola FlipOut may not be the most stylish phone available, it’s certainly unique in both looks and size. There are a variety of colors available, one to suit even the most demanding tastes. Most devices of this type are slim and rectangular in shape, whether or not they are in use. However, Motorola has designed a unique boxy construction that stands out when in action. It also comes with a choice of battery doors, allowing the owner to personalize this area on a daily basis. Overall size is 67mm x 67mm x 17mm pale (less than 3 x 3 x 1 inch) and weighs just 120g (about 5oz). These dimensions make it extremely portable, fitting perfectly in a bag or shirt pocket.

Probably the technology that makes the Motorola FlipOut the most exciting for new users is the radically new MotoBlur system. Conveniently, it will back up important information, as well as email it to a secure server for later retrieval if needed. This can be accessed through a simple username and password combination configured in advance. Any social post on all family networks can be synced to the home screen automatically. Users can update their friends at any time using this new idea.

Some of the other features include a large 2.8-inch LCD screen, a 3-megapixel camera, Kodak Perfect Touch imaging technology, and instant uploads to all major social networks. This allows owners to access videos on the Internet for instant playback, take photos in crisp, sharp detail, and immediately save them to major websites like Facebook and MySpace.

The Motorola FlipOut should be labeled as a multimedia device because of all the features it includes. Web access, camera and video capability, and the convergence of social media make this more of a portable assistant than just a cell phone. Buyers have been eagerly waiting for this type of service for quite some time. It would be more than a great gift for someone special, it’s more of a life saver for sharing those precious memories.

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