Kettlebell exercises for women

Consider kettlebell workouts for women

Have you seen those funny looking dumbbells lying around the gym? If you’ve been avoiding them because you’re not sure what they’re for or even that they’re called kettlebells, you’ve come to the right place. Kettlebells are bodybuilding fitness tools that are available in most commercial gyms around the world and while they are a favorite of bodybuilders, they are also a great tool for the average individual.

Kettlebells have been used as a dynamic tool to help with strength and endurance development for a long time. There is archaeological evidence to suggest that kettlebells were used in ancient Greece and a 143 kg kettlebell is stored in the Olympia Museum in Athens. The reliable Kettlebell then found its way to Russia in the 18th century and was initially used as a handled weight with an imperial seal to measure grain and other goods. However, Russian culture viewed strength as a highly admirable quality, and during local festivals and fairs, vendors began using kettlebells to display their strength. From this point, marketers began to realize the additional health benefits of lifting and swinging kettlebells. The popularity of the kettlebell has snowballed in Russian society from these humble beginnings.

strong and lean

Kettlebell workouts for women are not going to transform you into a mass of muscle. For example, Jennifer Aniston and Penelope Cruz use kettlebells in their exercise routines and they are the epitome of lean good health. If you want to strengthen your core and sculpt your body, kettlebells are the preferred tool of the trade.

The kettlebell is like a cannonball with handles attached to either side or like a teapot without a spout; hence the name ‘kettlebell’. The handle is located opposite the flat bottom of the bell, and the horns are attached to both sides of the handle. The kettlebell’s center of mass extends beyond your hand, which is why it can be swung, thrown, pressed, and moved in hundreds of different ways. They are small and portable and can be used in many different aspects of sports and fitness training.

What makes this fun-looking device so much more effective than your standard dumbbells? Two things, the handle and the uneven weight distribution.

• Handles – The handles included on kettlebells create what fitness professionals refer to as functional training, meaning they work much like things do in your everyday life. Carrying a gallon of milk, picking up your child, luggage, or even a laptop bag.

• Weight Distribution: Moving kettlebells forces your core to work harder to stabilize your body, which means you’ll be sculpting your shoulders, core, arms, back, and glutes.

• Bonus: Research suggests that women can expect to burn 40-50% more calories than standard strength training.


One of the most important things to know about kettlebell workouts for women is choosing the right weight. You don’t want to start with too little or too much weight. A good test for this problem is to raise the kettlebell overhead in the press position; you should be able to do it with a little resistance but controlled and stable.

Next, you need to make sure that the weight fits well in your hands. Ideally, you should be able to fit both hands on the handle comfortably, without your hands touching. Also, you should have a couple of inches of clearance from your fingertips to your palm.


Kettlebell workouts for women aren’t very difficult, but it’s important to perform them correctly to get the most benefit and prevent injury. Here are some easy exercise routines to get you started:

• Swing: Start with your feet hip-width apart and hold the kettlebell directly in front of you with both hands. Bend knees slightly; move the kettlebell back between your legs. Then, straighten and swing the kettlebell to chin level. The work should be done by the hamstrings and glutes, not the shoulders.

• Front Squats: Hold the kettlebell with both hands, the weight reversed at chest level. Perform squats normally, allowing the extra weight to intensify the movements.

• Standing Chin-ups: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the kettlebell with both hands loosely in front of your body. Lift the weight, bending your elbows and maintaining tension with your arms and chest. You should feel this movement in the shoulders.

• Triceps Extension – You need a good stable position for this move, so place one foot slightly in front of the other. Tighten your abs, keep your shoulders back, and keep your legs strong. Hold the kettlebell in both hands, lift it over your head and lower it behind your back, and then bring it back up.

How to Perform Abdominal Brace to Protect Your Spine

• Stand up straight with one hand on your stomach and the other hand on your lower back.

• Lean forward from the waist and contract the muscles of the lower back.

• Roll your body back to a straight position and feel your erector spinae go out

• While standing, tighten your abs as if you were about to be punched by Mike Tyson, then squeeze your buttocks.

Security rules

The following section are some safety guidelines to follow when performing any movement with a kettlebell.

• Don’t exercise near windows or anything that can break; just in case the kettlebell slips out of your hands

• Exercise on a flat surface and not on an incline or decline

• Make sure the surface you are working on is not slippery or sticky.

• Never exercise with the sun in your eyes.

• Wear appropriate footwear with a flat sole. Obviously forget about high heels.

• Take care of your hands and if you get calluses, clean them with a nail file. There are non-slip padded weightlifting gloves on the market that can be used with your kettlebell training.


Will you benefit from kettlebell exercises for women? If you want to tone and sculpt your body without adding significant bulk and significantly increasing calorie burn, then yes. A recent study from the American Council on Exercise found that the average person could burn 400 calories in just 20 minutes.


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