Free audiobooks vs. old books

In the last two decades a new concept has emerged: the concept of listening to a book instead of reading it. Audiobook technology is still developing, but audiobooks are becoming more and more popular. However, the old book is still much more common than any other method. In this article, we’ll delve into the differences between these two book methods:

1. Size and weight: The audiobook does not have the limitation of the size and the number of printed words. Technological advancement imposes the size of the audiobook. Newer audiobooks can be stored as an audio file on mobile electronic devices like Ipod or Palm pilot.

2. Convenience: the audiobook is limited to listening only from certain predefined points or from the exact point where it was last stopped listening. Of course, reading an old book is much more flexible. If you just want to read a book without reading it cover to cover, don’t even consider buying an audiobook.

3. You can listen to an audiobook anywhere and anytime: while working out at the gym, driving through heavy traffic to work, etc. Helps you make the most of your time. Reading the old book requires certain conditions such as concentration and a calm and relaxed environment.

4. Price – Surprisingly, in general, old books cost less than audiobooks. Depending on the different titles and different audiobook methods, it may vary. Among audiobooks, MP3 audiobooks are the least expensive.

5. The experience: the experience of reading a book is unique and cannot be the same as listening to audiobooks. Also, audiobooks don’t have pictures like some of the old books.

In short, we believe that audiobooks and old books can exist together next to each other and not one in place of the other.


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