Calcium: the key to beautiful eggs and healthy chickens

Spring is finally on its way and many people are already seeing a welcome increase in their hens’ eggs. When the eggs start to hatch, calcium levels are important. Do you know how to make sure your chickens have what it takes to make strong, unbreakable eggshells?

Calcium, like many other vital nutrients, depends on other minerals and vitamins to be available to the body. In the case of calcium, the two nutrients that affect it the most are phosphorus and vitamin D3. Calcium, vitamin D3, and phosphorus form a kind of three-legged stool; If any of these nutrients are out of balance, all the stool collapses and problems begin.

Calcium and phosphorus

Phosphorus is a nutrient that is highly available in the cereals or grains that make up the majority of the chicken’s diet. Phosphorus deficiencies are rare in poultry given the availability and low price of grains. However, if your birds’ diet is too high in grains, phosphorous levels can cause an imbalance.

Adding zero and other grains to the diet in addition to a complete and balanced granulated ration can cause an imbalance in the so-called “Cal-Phos” ratio. When phosphorous levels are too high, the body will extract calcium not only from the eggshell production, but also from the beak, bones, and other vital areas where calcium is required. Make sure added foods and treats do not exceed 10% of the total diet weight.

Calcium and vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is also a vital partner in calcium absorption. While D3 is available in the correct amounts in a balanced ration of chicken feed, its production within the body is dependent on sunlight which converts a D3 precursor into the form required by chickens. Ensuring your flock has access to at least some sunlight throughout the year is important to keep D3 levels high enough to keep calcium absorbed. Adding a supplement like Calf Manna to your herd’s diet at least occasionally helps reduce the chances of vitamin D deficiencies without upsetting the overall balance.

Keeping your flock on a fully balanced ration designed for laying hens is one way to maintain the correct balance between calcium and your two partners. Free choice calcium supplements also help correct calcium levels and ensure sturdy, beautiful eggs.

Calcium Supplements – Safe Against Calcium Problems

While each layer flock should follow a completely balanced and fortified diet designed for laying hens, it should be noted that each feed is designed for the scientifically average hen. While many chickens do well within the average range of calcium needed, many chickens will need more or less of the calcium provided. In order for all chickens to get what they need, your flock must receive a good bioavailable source of supplemental calcium.

Ideally, calcium supplements should be free choice and separate from actual feed so that chickens who instinctively know they need more calcium can take it themselves. Chickens have a remarkable way of regulating their own calcium levels. A freely selectable supplement allows chickens that have access to pasture and drilling the opportunity to ingest calcium to balance what they collect from their daily roaming.

Not just any calcium

A wise veterinarian once said: “An old leather shoe contains a wide range of minerals; however, if you eat it, you will not absorb any.” Calcium supplements should always be evaluated for their bioavailability or easy absorption and use for chicken. While there are many ways people think they can supplement calcium, not all of them work, regardless of whether your best friend’s grandmother, Betty, did “and never lost a chicken in her 100 years of having them.”

One of the best sources of calcium for chickens is ground oyster shell. This type of calcium is highly available to the body and is palatable to chickens. Ground oyster shell does not spoil when kept outdoors, it dissolves easily in the gizzard once ingested, and is inexpensive. Oyster shell can be purchased in 50 pound bags or even convenient 5 pound bags from Manna-Pro for smaller flocks. Putting a plate of this near the feeders allows the hens to help themselves when they need more calcium.

Supplement now; avoid problems later

Many people ask: “If my hens have good shells now, why supplement?” The problem with eggshells and calcium is that when you start to notice problems, there may already be underlying problems that can be dangerous or even life-threatening for your chickens. Waiting until you see a softshell just means gambling with some of your best laying hens. Why bet?

Eggs with a slightly soft exterior are more likely to hang in the system, causing the dreaded egg attachment or peritonitis that kills many prized chickens. Providing a means by which hens can regulate their own calcium helps prevent these tragedies.

Understanding the relationship of calcium to other nutrients and how to provide calcium are the two keys to keeping your hens happy and productive. Given these keys, any batch can lay exceptional and consistently beautiful eggs with the right nutrition and supplementation.

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