How to stop your mastiff from barking excessively

If your puppy or mastiff dog is barking excessively, it could be due to many different things. He or she could get trapped or under a fence. He or she could be barking at other dogs in the neighborhood, or they could be feeling lonely and depressed.

Dogs bark for many reasons. It would be impractical to think that your puppy or dog would never bark again, because some barks are really good for a dog – and you!

Dogs will bark to alert their owners or danger, or a suspicious person loitering. But a dog that just barks and barks, and you don’t seem to know why, not only annoys you, but often annoys the neighbors as well.

One of the first things to find out is why your dog is barking in the first place. Do you see a squirrel or cat in a tree every day and it barks at you? Or is your puppy or dog not getting enough exercise and is left alone outside for long periods of time and barks in boredom? After finding out why they bark, it is much easier to correct the problem.

Puppies will naturally bark if they are playing and running, it is in their nature that playful barking is normal. If you can’t tell what your dog is barking at, he can sometimes see or smell things that you can’t, so you may need to take a closer look again. You should also make sure that your puppy or mastiff dog is checked by a vet, to make sure he is okay, before attempting to correct the problem.

It is nice to have a nice place for your dog to sleep, such as a dog house, a dog bed, and a nice place to make his own. You wouldn’t want you to have to sleep outside and no one gave you a house or bed to sleep in, so be nice to your dog.

Here are some ways to help curb your dogs’ barking. If your dog barks and you open the door to let him in, you are just reinforcing him to bark every time he wants to come in. When they bark, they know that you will come to the door and let them in, and the barking benefits them.

If you go to the door and stand there and yell at them like a delusional madman, they will think you are joining them in the celebration, and they will want to bark even more! You’re barking at them, so they want to bark too, and join in!

If you are a mastiff puppy or a barking dog, and you come to breed him and give him treats, that is not good. They will take this as a sign that barking is the thing to do to get more attention from you, so you should never reward this type of barking.

There are several ways to teach your dog that barking is not rewarded. If you are out all day and you are aware that your dog is barking excessively while you are away, he most likely thinks that if he keeps barking, you will show up. Eventually when you show up you immediately go to the dog and the barking may stop at that point. In your dog’s mind, he or she has been barking to get you home, and it worked, you are finally home.

To cure this type of barking, when you get home, do not immediately go to your dog. Let the dog know that you are not rewarding him for barking. Don’t go to the dog until he has calmed down, and then you can go to him, after the barking has stopped and doesn’t start again for a while.

If our dog barks when the phone rings or his cell phone rings, teach him to ignore it. You can do this with a friend or family member, who calls your phone repeatedly, and just sits down and doesn’t answer. With repetition, your dog will bark less and less and then become completely bored with the phone.

One of the easiest things to remember when training your dog is to praise or reward your dog when he does something he likes and to give a negative response to something he does not like. Over time, your dog, through repetition, will learn what is acceptable and what is not. He or she will be a much better member of the family, and it will be good for them too!

There are a number of ways you can train your dog not to bark when you leave the house. He would need something noisy, like a can of rocks, or marbles in the can, or a garden hose, and he would use those for negative suggestions. You would leave your house and then you would quietly return and hide outside somewhere up front.

When you hear your dog barking, use the hose to place the nozzle over the fence and spray it, or toss the can of stones or marbles in their general direction, being careful not to hit them. Loud noise will scare them and they will associate barking with getting wet, or if loud noises reach them, they will eventually tire of the barking.

You can also use a treat and the Quiet or Stop command. When your dog barks, you give the command Hush and when he stops barking, you give him a treat and praise, and eventually just praise them.

With almost any dog, it will never happen overnight. It takes consistency and patience. Your dog will progress a lot and then regress at times, that’s natural. They will move on again, with patience and good dog training, you can make your dog an excellent member of the family.

Sometimes a dog likes to bark at an approaching mailman or deliveryman. In the eyes of your dog, this person is entering your territory and is an intruder, an unwanted guest, and your dog is continuously barking at this person. The person usually leaves in a short period of time, and the dog thinks that his barking has caused the intruder to leave, and that he has done a good job!

If you wanted to cure this type of barking and you were friends with the person sending you the mail or the delivery man, you could tell them your training method and give them a bag of snacks to take with them. Every time they came to your house, they could give the dog a snack on the fence, and the dog would come to think of this person as a welcome guest, rather than an intruder, and the barking would subside after a while.

The best way to train any dog ​​is for you and your puppy or dog to enroll in obedience classes together. You’ll have a better understanding of basic dog techniques, and bond with your dog even more!


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