Understanding cancer and its types

The word cancer is derived from the Latin word for “crab” because cancers are very irregularly shaped structures. Cancer refers to a growth that has the ability to spread into the surrounding areas known as tissues, spread of the organism, which can eventually lead to the death of patients if not detected earlier. The best way to stay away from these dangerous diseases is to work on curing them early before they spread throughout the body and slowly attack the nervous system, which can eventually lead to death.

The terms tumor and cancer are sometimes misunderstood and create confusion. A tumor is not necessarily a cancer. The word tumor simply refers to the mass of the human body that has some spot or mark. Whereas, a cancer is a particularly threatening type of tumor. It is helpful to keep this distinction clear when discussing a possible diagnosis of cancer, whereas neoplasia is an abnormal new growth of cells. The cells of a neoplasm usually grow faster than normal cells and continue to grow if not treated at the right time. As they grow, neoplasms attack damaged cell structures. The term neoplasm can refer to a benign (usually curable) or malignant (cancerous) growth.

Definition of benign and malignant

The term “benign” is used to describe medical conditions and tumors and generally refers to the process that is not dangerous. In this type of tumor, there is very little chance of death of a person. The tumors grow locally but do not spread to other regions of the body.

The term “Malignant” is often spelled with the word dangerous in medicine. While it usually refers to a cancerous tumor, for example, if you have high blood pressure with this tumor, they are dangerously high and malignant tumors (cancerous tumors) and those that spread to others. body parts and damaging them.

How are malignant and benign tumors alike?

• Both grow in a large area

• Both are dangerous when they are at the top of their game

• Both the tumor can occur at any time

Differences between benign and malignant tumors

• Growth rate: Malignant tumors grow much faster than benign tumors, but there are exceptions: some malignant tumors grow very slowly, while some benign tumors grow rapidly in large numbers.

• Ability to recur (metasize): Benign tumors expand locally near the original tumor site, while malignant tumors recur at distant sites, such as the brain, liver, and other parts of the body.

• Tissue recurrence: The malignant tumor tends to invade nearby tissues, while benign tumors do not spread to larger areas of the body. A simple way to think of this is to imagine a benign tumor as having a wall or boundary. The boundary allows the tumor to expand and push on nearby tissues.

• Effective treatment: benign tumors can usually be removed with surgery alone, while malignant tumors will require different techniques such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy (biopsy). All of these are necessary to reach the cancer cell that has spread beyond reason.

• Possibilities/conditions of recurrence: the benign tumor can occur after the surgical process, while the malignant tumor due to surgery is very low.

• Systemic effects: malignant tumors are those that are more systemic than benign tumors. Due to the nature of the tumors, symptoms such as fatigue and weight loss are common. A common type of disease seen in such a condition is hypocalcemia.

There are changes in the arrival conditions of both types of cancer. The changes can be confusing and scary if you live with one of these tumors. Doctors often make the distinction between cancerous and non-cancerous tumors under the microscope, and sometimes the difference is minute and subtle, making it difficult for the doctor to discover the type of tumor.

Common types of benign tumors

• Adenomas (epithelial tissues that cover organs and glands).

• Meningiomas (brain and spinal cord)

• Fibroids (connective tissue of an organ)

• Papillomas (skin, breast and others)

• Lipomas (fat cells)

• Myomas (muscle tissue)

Common types of malignant tumors

• Sarcomas (connective tissue such as muscle, fatty cartilage)

• Carcinomas (organs and glandular tissue such as breast, lung, thyroid)

How can one stay away from cancer?

• Stay away from sugary drinks

• Eat starchy fruits

• Eat nuts of any kind

• Eat garlic

• Eat cruciferous vegetables

• Make a dinner to fight cancer using tomatoes and more consumption of tartaric acid

• Drink green tea

• Eat wild salmon and more consumption of fish oil.

• Eat kiwi

• Eat red grapes

• eat onion

• Sunbathe for a few hours

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