14 Effective Natural Remedies for Premenstrual Syndrome PMS

Most women face PMS every month before their periods start. This is a combination of a wide range of symptoms that are physical or psychological. These PMS symptoms are experienced every month when ovulation occurs until the start of menstruation. The main reason behind the appearance of these signs is changes in hormone levels. The factors that are responsible for these hormonal changes are many.

Some of the physical signs of PMS are fatigue, bloating, pelvic discomfort, breast tenderness, headaches, constipation or diarrhea, weight gain, changes in sleep pattern, fluid retention, changes in appetite and skin fat. The psychological signs are depression, stress, anxiety, lack of concentration, mood swings and irritability. The causes of PMS have been mainly related to hormonal imbalances. Other reasons that cause PMS are dietary habits, stress, depression, and chemical changes in the brain. All of these factors may be responsible for creating these symptoms in a woman’s body before the onset of menstruation.

Medications like anti-inflammatories, antidepressants, diuretics, and oral contraceptive pills are available to treat these problems, but natural remedies for PMS are a sure way to get rid of these problems. These remedies are effective and have negative effects. Some of the natural remedies for PMS are as follows:

1. Celery: This is an effective natural diuretic that improves the functions of the kidneys and helps eliminate excess water in the body.

2. Grapes: Include grapes or grape juice in your food intake. Helps prevent swelling.

3. Oatmeal: Oatmeal is healthy and helps reduce PMS symptoms.

4. Apples: Eating apples every day is good for general health and for reducing bloating in PMS.

5. Barley water: Drinking barley water is beneficial in reducing PMS symptoms.

6. Vitamins: Vitamins like C, E and B6 are very effective and should be taken regularly.

7. Antioxidants: Increase your intake of antioxidants in your food. This is one of the beneficial natural remedies for PMS.

8. Evening primrose oil: It has been used to treat premenstrual syndrome.

9. Calcium: Women with PMS have lower calcium levels; therefore increase calcium intake.

10. Magnesium: Magnesium is said to improve symptoms.

11. Massage: Gently massage the abdomen with essential oils like lavender and clary sage to help relieve pain.

12. Relaxation: De-stress by taking a bath with essential oils like rosemary and sage.

13. Exercises: Exercising regularly helps a lot. Practice yoga and deep breathing techniques regularly.

14. Herbal treatment: Some herbs are very effective in reducing and eliminating PMS symptoms. Herbs are also one of the natural remedies for PMS. Dandelion herb is used to prevent bloating, swelling, and fluid retention. It also helps in spasms, acne and inflammation. Black Cohosh is good for stopping hot flashes. Cramp Bark is beneficial in conditions of menstrual cramps and spasms in the uterus. Red clover, valerian, chaste tree berry, and tribulus terrestris are some of the other herbs that are beneficial in reducing symptoms and also support the overall health of the body.

Try these natural remedies for PMS to relieve physical and emotional symptoms.

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