Twitter is a powerhouse for driving traffic and building awareness!

 Here are some effective tactics to get great results.

It is amazing how a small innovation, with what at the time did not seem like a big deal, can become a revolution that changed the world. Who would have thought that the ability to send 140-character messages online (where you can already email a full thought to a group) would catch on? But he did it!

Not only did it become popular, it changed the way people communicate today: news breaks on Twitter, trends are tracked, traffic is boosted, and millions can share a thought in seconds. In a busy world where time is money, tweeting is very valuable. So here are some tips to get better results from your tweets.

Have fun, but add value!

As I said before, people use social networks to be entertained, informed and find solutions. If all you did was have fun and provide pointless, yet interesting tidbits, sooner or later people will stop paying attention.

So share value! Are you a great baker? Share how to create an amazing cake or dessert. Do you help people with taxes? Share a tax tip to save money. Do you know something that will help people be more productive? Share it!

create lists

If you have more than one message to share, create lists so you don’t mix demographics. For example, let’s say he’s hungry for his faith, but he’s also a great computer fixer. Make a list to share your faith and another to share computer tips. Now you can invite people to participate in both, but this gives them the choice and keeps them engaged.

Use hash tags

Hash tags are a great way to make your information easier to find for those who aren’t connected to you. Those who are will receive your tweets regardless, but those who aren’t have no idea you exist. But if you shared a computer repair tip and used the hashtag #PCrepair, anyone looking for those tips can find them and become a follower.

Plus, they’re great for drawing attention to a certain demographic. Let’s say the news just broke about the latest virus that has found a way to not only kill your hard drive, but also cause your monitor to burn up, called “Bummer”. Well, you just wrote an amazing blog on how to protect yourself and how to remove it. If you tweet it with the #Bummer hash tag, not only will those looking for a solution find it, but journalists mining Twitter for sources of news content may contact you for a quote. Talk about the possibility of going viral!

Have a great website ready for traffic!

Twitter is a power to attract attention, but not to spread information on its own. You see, 140 characters can’t say much; therefore, the goal is to say it succinctly and then provide a link to the source of the information – your blog or website!

If you’re looking to build awareness, build credibility and trust, or promote a book, product, or service, Twitter is a powerhouse to do so. But if your website isn’t effective from a marketing standpoint, once you get a follower on it, you might walk away thinking, “All this stuff adds up and when I get here, nothing.”

So make sure it’s designed effectively, is engaging, ready to subscribe someone to your blog, or easy for them to ask for more information. But most importantly, make sure it is well written to attract them and make the site attractive.

Twitter is an amazing innovation that will give your strategy to deliver your message great advantages! But after you’ve sent your message to the Twitterverse, make sure you’re ready to welcome visitors. After all, you don’t want to have done it all for nothing. See you in a retweet!

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