Toddler Sleep Problems – Solved!

By the age of three, a young child requires eleven hours of consistent, quality sleep.

Young children’s sleep problems get in the way of consistent quality sleep and this can lead to health problems like lower immunity, tantrums, slower brain function, and poor diet, to name a few.

For many young children, the mere mention that “it is time to sleep” sends them into a huge mess. (1) Crying and a defiant attitude often accompany this disorder. This is the beginning of a parent’s bedtime nightmare. (2) The continuation of their crying or tantrum once they are in bed. (3) Get them to stay in bed without yelling after the parents leave the room. (4) Do not get out of bed in the middle of the night, when they wake up. With these areas under control, young children’s sleep problems will be solved and parents will have a pleasant, warm and cuddly bedtime, free from screaming, nighttime awakenings, and health problems.

1. Shshsh …. Don’t say the words “It’s time to sleep”. Nor nothing alike. Instead, use the atmosphere and quality time with your toddler to let him know that it’s time to relax. This manipulation should begin 20 minutes BEFORE the time you put in place for your toddler to be in bed.

Create a cozy, calm and quiet environment. Dim the lights, check out a little Animal Planet, and snuggle up with your toddler. A baby massage is a wonderful relaxation technique for both parents and young children and can be done as part of the relaxation process.

2. Search and remember. On the way to your room, think of something fun and exciting for your toddler to do the next day. It could be an afternoon of playdough fun, or maybe you have a party to go to, or finger painting, or a play in the park. Remember it. A little secret: tell him that you are looking forward to doing it with him (make sure you can. Otherwise, do not offer this statement.

3. The bedroom: short and sweet. This is an area where many parents get it wrong. At bedtime, your toddler’s bedroom should be in the same setting as when you were setting him up. Prepare your bedroom before starting the liquidation process. The bedroom atmosphere includes a night light and soft music.

The time you spend in your toddler’s room after bed should be short and pleasant. Sit on the edge of the bed next to your toddler and read a story quietly. Stroke her hair or use her favorite toy. Silently remind him of the fun that awaits him the next day if he gets a good night’s rest. Mention that you are also very tired and are going to bed. Kiss him good night and go.

4. When he starts to cry, tell him you love him and he will check it out a bit before going to bed. Ignore their crying. While you’re in your room, don’t look stressed. Know in your mind that everything will be fine. Your toddler will feel this and help him adjust to his new bedtime routine.

In 9 out of 10 cases, your child will fall asleep very soon. However, if you prolong your time in his room and show fear of his crying, he will recognize it and use it as a tool to get you to stay until he falls asleep, causing him to stay awake longer, decreasing his sleep time. sleep and reducing parental free time.

It is imperative for parents to ensure that the young child gets quantity and quality sleep every night. Techniques need to be maintained nightly for them to take hold and be effective. All good things come with time, fixing young children’s sleep problems is no different. The rewards for young children and parents are worth it.

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