Thinking of meditation? Check out this guide to meditation for beginners

Meditation is a way to escape the stress of daily life and can bring you many moments of happiness. However, for beginners it can be quite the opposite, as starting to meditate can be confusing and even stressful. That’s why we’ve put together a beginner’s guide to mediation.

You’ll wonder if you’re doing it right, how to do it, and sometimes overwhelm yourself wondering what could happen if you let yourself go completely. We will discuss all of this here and more.

How to prepare for meditation

One of the first things you should do is remember that anyone can meditate on anyone. One of the most important things to do is go into it with an open mind.

Choose a specific time to meditate

First, pick a time of day to spend time in meditation and stick to that time of day. Make this a part of your daily routine, just like taking a shower and eating dinner.

Don’t expect too much at first

Don’t expect too much at first. You cannot expect to sit in meditation at first and reach a state of bliss. It will take time and practice to reach this ultimate goal. This can only be achieved by totally clearing your mind and entering a state of deep relaxation and you won’t do this if you are worried about whether you are meditating correctly.

try and try again

One of the most important things to learn from this beginner’s guide to mediation is not to give up. At first, you will lose focus and your mind will wander; however, do not give up, simply return your focus to the mediation session and continue.

Choose a place where you can relax.

As you begin your meditation, choose a place where you feel comfortable. You can choose to sit on your sofa or straight-backed chair or have a dedicated seat such as a mediation stool or cushion.

Set a timer for your meditation

Before you start your meditation, you need to choose how long you want to spend meditating. Don’t expect to be able to stay focused for an extended period when you first start. 5 or 10 minutes is a good amount of time. Set a timer to go off, you can do it through your smart watch or a simple kitchen timer. With the timer set, you don’t have to worry or think about how long you have been meditating.

start to meditate

With your eyes closed, you can take a couple of deep breaths. Do this by inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

Let your body relax and feel the tension flow out of it. Allow your breath to return to a natural flow and take note of all the sensations, the air going in through your nostrils and into the back of your throat and your stomach contracting in and out.

Count your exhalations. When you reach 10, count again and repeat until the timer stops.

When the time is up, slowly open your eyes and notice any feelings. She can now go back to her day after she has done her meditation session.


We have only briefly talked about meditation and the focused breathing technique is just one of many different types of mediations. It is also one of the easiest and best types to start with.

Once you have mastered the breathing technique and feel more experimental and want to delve into other types, you can move on to doing it.

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