The spiritual meaning of colors: green and purple for harmony

Lately I have been thinking more and more about the colors green and purple. Green has been my favorite color for years. Lately, however, purple has been sharing the limelight most of the time. I believe that both are colors of balance and spirituality (as defined), and I believe that both are colors of the “other”, of people who follow paths that they themselves have created.

My friend from high school made me think of green. He has luxurious curly red hair and always wore little green T-shirts. This might not seem like a big fashion statement until you start looking around and seeing what colors people are wearing. Usually I see a predominance of gray, dark blue, red, black and white, khaki and maybe some dark greens. It’s no coincidence that these are also the colors of most of the cars I see. I started wearing kelly green t-shirts as my badge of being different. I once read in an interior design book that green was the most harmonious color. The balance between cool and warm, the color of the natural world. That book also claimed that it was possible to have more shades of green than any other color. Well, that IS interesting! My admiration grew.

My grandmother always liked purple. It never occurred to me to realize that she was wearing purple sweatpants and a purple sweatshirt all the time. That’s what grandmothers wear, right? On second thought, I think this was more unusual and quirky than I suspected. Also, two good friends of mine are really in love with purple and I think they have made me think about it more. They are both people who contemplate the spiritual on a daily basis and I think they feel that purple has a mystical meaning / energy. It is also the color of that upper chakra, the one that is for your spirit, on your head, not in your body like the others. Purple, like green, is also a place where cool and warm colors find balance.

My experiences with these colors lead me to feel that green embodies worldly balance and purple embodies spiritual balance. Green for the physical world, the natural world, a balance of life, of the vital force. Purple for enlightenment, for the balance of the immaterial, for emotional well-being. I love how these two colors look together. Perhaps it is because then they harmonize and become a balance of all aspects? Or maybe that harmonization is what makes them look so pleasing to my eyes? Or maybe it’s just a fun game that I’m going to play with my intellect until I leave this world? All the questions we ask ourselves about existence rise and fall in the contemplation of two colors.

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