The astrological ages

Astrologers agreed that Earth has already seen the six ages of human existence from the Cavemen to the present. Currently, we exist in transition between the ages of Pisces and Aquarius. The calculations, which define the end of one era and the beginning of another, may differ. According to some, the age of Pisces is long over, while others claim that we still live in it.

In astrological mythology, the astrological age is a period of approximately 2,160 years, comparable with the development of the inhabitants of planet Earth, in relation to their culture, civilization and governments. Each age is associated with one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Thus, each age will repeat itself after the completion of the entire cycle, or in 25,920 years. The cycle of the astrological age advances in a retrograde direction. If the forward movement is from Ares -> Taurus -> Gemini -> Cancer -> Leo, etc. then the retrograde direction is reversed Leo -> Cancer -> Gemini-> Taurus -> Ares, etc.

As of today, we are near the end of the sixth movement of the ages and we are approaching (or we are at the beginning of) the New Age. The 6 previous movements of the Astrological Age are the following:

• The Age of Leo (approximately 10,800 BC to 8640 BC)

This era was the age of the Lion and the age of the Sun, since the Sun is the ruler of Leo. It is known to be “The Golden Age” of the Ages of Man. It is the period of peace, harmony, stability of the planet. The population size was small and everything on Earth was abundant and there was no hunger or crime in this age. People obtained food by hunting, gathering, and farming. During this era, people developed primitive tools such as stone knives, hammers, and javelins. Although the technology was rudimentary, it is amazing what people could achieve with it. His works are now being discovered and shown to the world, such as cave wall paintings. The Earth was young and no pollution development was the product of this era.

• The age of cancer (approximately 8640 BC to 6480 BC)

This is known as “The Age of the Great Mother.” Cancer ruled by the moon. It is the sign of motherhood, which is commonly associated with giving birth, caring for and protecting. During this period, people learned how to cultivate the land and domesticate animals. They began to create permanent housing and raise animals along with cultivating land for their lives.

• The Gemini era (roughly begins in 6480 BC to 4320 BC)

This is found under “The Age of Communication, Commerce and Twins” where writing, counting and commerce takes place. As people gained knowledge around this time, writing began to be used as a method of recording their activities. Marketing and travel also belong to this sign.

• The Age of Taurus (roughly begins in 4320 BC to 2160 BC)

The symbol of the “Bull” and known to be “The Age of the Earth, Agriculture and the Bull”. The beginning of the creation of the pyramids in Egypt and the era of bull worship in Assyria, Egypt and Crete. The Egyptians are known for their great architectural ability to create wonderful pyramids in totally natural materials without using the advanced technology in construction that is known today.

• The Age of Aries (roughly begins in 2160 BC to 0 BC)

Aries, the fire sign and the ram symbol give this age as “The Age of War, Fire and the Ram”, which is ruled by Mars. The Iron Age was born in Aries, where wars and colonialism are on the rise, such as the expansion of empires in China, Persia, Greece, and Rome. Advanced armories are also specific to this era. During this era in which Moses saves the Israelites from the Egyptians, the writing of the Old Testament and the journey to the promised land occur.

• The Age of Pisces (approximately begins in 0 BC to 2160)

This age is known to be the Judeo-Christian age. The period of existence of Christ and the Wisdom that he brought to mankind. This period is fading and may be gone! Today we are in transition to a new era, that is why our soul needs guidance and is hungry for HOPE due to the traumas of war, pain and hatred of the last two centuries.

Coming to the end of this age; we need to be prepared for the next journey and the new movement in human history, the Age of Aquarius. Age of the AIR element, that is, the mind that will bring greater technological advances of self-healing, compassion, intuition and spiritual cleansing.


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