Simple steps to start dowsing

Have you always been interested in the magical ability of dowsers? Wish you could do the same yourself? Well, the bad news is that there is no magic; The good news is that everyone can dowse. Now, how well you dows, that degree of dexterity and ability is entirely up to you.

Like any other skill in life, we become proficient with practice, we become good with more practice plus understanding, and ultimately we become masters with more practice, understanding, and a willingness to let our intuitive abilities shine through the veil. behind which we hide. .

The purpose of this article is to summarize the basics so that you can begin your adventure into the world of dowsing as soon as you have finished reading. There are a large number of tools that can be used for dowsing, such as L-rods, Y-rods, corks, and pendulums. For the master dowser, tools are becoming unnecessary and a large number of toolless dowsing techniques are employed. I’ll talk about how to learn to dowse with the pendulum, simply because this is my preferred tool.

The first thing you need is a pendulum

You can buy one at a store or online, but if a simple tool is all you need to get started, start by looking around your house. Any rope or chain that has something suspended at the end can be used. I have made hundreds of pendulums in the last ten years using gemstones, crystals, stones, and beads, but my favorite pendulum is the necklace that I wear. It is a simple quartz crystal pendant on a silver chain. It’s my signature piece of jewelry, not wearing it is like walking around without underwear. So it’s always with me. The problem with my other pendulums was that I didn’t always have it with me, so I would want to find something and ughhh! no pendulum The collar eliminates the problem. You can use a needle on a thread, a key on a keychain, a screw attached to a string. The possibilities are limited by my imagination.

Now we are ready to start:

Step 1: Clarify

Empty your mind of whatever occupation is cluttering it up… pretend there is a hole in the side of your head… open it up, allow the thoughts, the chatter, the mental clutter to drain out. If you have a problem with this, focus on your breathing… breathe in open spaces, breathe out congested, continue until you feel very clear.

Step 2: Connect and ground yourself

Connect with your higher self, this is a continuation of step one, once the dirt is removed our higher energies have room. Use whatever means will bring you into this space. I like to center and ask to be in perfect alignment with my higher self, focusing my attention on the crown chakra at the top of my head, while imagining a strong golden cord between me and Source. Then I punished myself. This is done by simply visualizing strong roots growing from the bottom of my feet, moving deep into Mother Earth. Here I have a two-way flow… if I need to download energy it can flow down to the earth to be transmuted, if I need to gather energy from the earth it is absorbed upwards.

Step 3: Find your Yes and No

To dowse, you need to know what your Yes answer will look like, as well as your No answer. Holding the pendulum chain or rope comfortably in one hand, place your elbow on a table or sturdy base. Gives the address: “Please show me my affirmative answer.” So let go of any expectations and wait. It may take a minute for your pendulum to show a reaction, although most people can get a much faster response, within 10-15 seconds on their first try. The turn can be a vertical or horizontal line, a clockwise or counterclockwise turn, or a left or right diagonal. Record what your affirmative answer was.

Next, give the address: “Please show me my negative answer.” It will usually be the opposite of your affirmative answer. If you received a horizontal line for a Yes, in most cases you will receive a vertical line for a No. This is not always the case, but more often than not. Record what your negative response was.

On the first few tries, the response may be a weak signal. If this is the case, you can strengthen the answer just by asking. For example, when you direct “Show me my yes” and you get a weak horizontal line (moving slowly or hardly at all), follow up with the direction “Show me a stronger yes.” The pendulum will move faster and faster, in a more definite or definite way. Sometimes practicing this will usually result in strong changes from then on.

Step 4: Questions to ask before dowsing

Dowers practices asking 3 questions before beginning. Can I? I can? Should? The questions refer to: Can I dowse to obtain this information? Can I, do I have the skill/experience to look up this information? Should I look for this information or is it better left alone?

Step 5: Some more about your questions

The subconscious mind is very literal and does not make assumptions…

Be specific and clear.

Yes or no questions only! It seems basic but sometimes we forget.

Ask only one question at a time. This means: NO COMPOUND PROBLEMS.

Empty your mind, be curious to know the answer, don’t use this system to validate something you want to test

Similarly, do not ask questions in which you have a personal interest or are
very emotional and you can’t part with: have someone else do your dowsing for you.

After asking the question, let go and let the answer come through you.

Step 6: Start Dowsing

Start taking very simple things until you feel comfortable. Here are some examples of what you can do:

1. You can get a partner to work with and have 2 apples in the room, one organic and one conventional. Hang your pendulum over the first apple and ask “Is this apple organic?” Your partner will know the answer and will confirm your answer for you.

2. Get a deck of cards, draw the same number of red and black cards. Hang the pendulum over the card, ask “Is this card red?” Check your answer. Shuffle the cards and keep practicing.

3. Have your partner sit in a chair and ask them to think a happy thought or a scary thought, but not tell you what they are thinking. She holds the pendulum over her head and ask, “Is she _____ having a happy thought?”

Other important things to remember

As with any new skill: Practice! Practice! Practice! is necessary to achieve accuracy.

When you get tired, stop and period! Affects the accuracy of the results.

act ethically

If you are asking about the future, remember that there is not one possible answer but rather several possibilities, all based on the current set of circumstances.

So now that you have some of the basics down, go ahead and go! Have fun dowsing.


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