Sarcoidosis: The Best Natural Remedies for Sarcoidosis and Other ILDs

Natural Remedies and Treatment of Sarcoidosis:

After several years of medical treatment for lymphatic sarcoidosis, my husband and I found 3 natural sarcoidosis remedies that have kept him in remission for two years. The main factors to consider with sarcoidosis and many other autoimmune diseases are immune system imbalance and inflammation. Oxidative stress was found to be the underlying cause of sarcoidosis and other ILDs in 26 different published medical studies; so let’s look at some ways to reverse oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and balance the immune system with regenerative nutrition instead of pharmaceutical drugs and put your body on the path to healing.

3 Natural Remedies For Sarcoidosis Treatment:

1. Broad-spectrum antioxidants: Eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. Raw fruits and vegetables are very rich in antioxidants that fight oxidation. They are great natural sarcoidosis remedies that provide live enzymes that balance your digestive system (where 70-80% of your immune system is located), reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system.

Some of the most powerful natural remedies for sarcoidosis are quercetin (found in apples and onions), resveratrol (found in the skin of red wine grapes, peanuts, and Japanese knotweed), and turmeric (a spice used in cooking). Jack started taking a supplement with all of these and about 40 more powerful natural ingredients to reverse the symptoms of sarcoidosis.

Sarcoidosis is the formulation of granulomas, noncancerous tumors of mutated cells that can form in any system of the body. These mutated cells become misshapen and begin to steal electrons from healthy cells. This chain reaction is not broken until an antioxidant comes along and gives our cell an electron to stop the process and start the repair.

2. Eliminates Inflammation: Mother Nature’s best anti-inflammatory is a natural nutrient found in brown algae, called Fucoidan. This nutrient is an absolutely amazing polysaccharide. In clinical trials, it boosted the immune system by up to 400% in just 12 days. This nutrient was vital to my husband’s recovery. Within 3 weeks her pain, vertigo and swelling were noticeably less. I have several clients using this natural remedy for sarcoidosis, so far they report less pain (a couple even NO pain), less swelling, easier breathing, no cramps, more energy, less coughing, no more chronic bronchitis.

3. Boost your immune system: Fucoidan, as I said earlier, is the best immune booster. When it comes to fighting sarcoidosis, you need to remember that this is an autoimmune disease. Treating the symptoms will never cure the disease. Therefore, balancing, stimulating, and building the immune system will reverse many, if not all, of the symptoms of sarcoidosis. There are many natural remedies for sarcoidosis treatment but another that also naturally helps boost the immune system is star anise. Tamiflu is derived from star anise (it was so powerful that pharmaceutical companies synthesized it into a drug they could prescribe and make a fortune on).

When the immune system starts attacking itself, something is seriously wrong and most of the time one autoimmune disease will lead to several others. Many people with sarcoid also have diabetes, arthritis, lupus, CFS, etc. etc. We must treat the root cause instead of giving it a name and writing a prescription for life.

With autoimmune diseases, our own immune system has turned against us; therefore, we must regulate, repair and regenerate a healthy immune system that repairs damage rather than causing it. Millions of deformed cells will cause tumors or groups of mutated and inflamed cells, thus Sarcoidosis. For more information and customer testimonials on the most effective supplements and natural remedies for sarcoidosis, contact me or go to Sarcoidosis Treatment. My husband has been in remission for 24 months. Hear his story, as well as many others, and learn more about how to cure sarcoidosis naturally.

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