Rainforest Plants – Iporuru

Family: legumes

Gender: alchonera

Species: castaneifolia

Common names: Iporuru, iporoni, iporuro, ipururo, ipurosa, macochihua, niando, bird

General description: Iporuru is a shrub native to the Amazon and parts of Africa. It is a bushy, dense tree that grows on the banks of the Amazon River and its tributaries in Peru. The scientific name of Iporuru is Alchornea castaneifolia. It is primarily a medicinal plant, but has many uses outside of the medical field.

Applications: The bark and leaves of Iporuru are used by the indigenous people of Peru to alleviate the symptoms of osteoarthritis. In Peruvian phytotherapy, this herb is highly recommended for rheumatism because it is a natural COX inhibitor and has anti-inflammatory effects. Rum-soaked iporuru bark is a traditional South American remedy for arthritis, colds, and sore muscles after a long day of fishing or hunting. Iporuru has also been fermented into a wine that is then drunk for sore muscles after exertion.

It is becoming popular among North American athletes for its natural ability to support muscle and joint structure, providing much-needed nutritional support.

Iporuru is also used in the treatment of colds, coughs, diarrhea, and diabetes. Currently, in Peruvian phytotherapy, Iporuru is widely used to treat impotence and reduce blood and urine sugar in diabetics.

Iporuru leaves provide a unique traditional Peruvian treatment that increases fertility in women, especially when their male partner is experiencing some level of impotence.

Iporuru remedies and products are sold in local markets and herbal pharmacies in Peru. Iporuru can be harvested only in the Amazon dry season; spends the rainy season under water. Iporuru belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family, which is very important in the jungle because it contributes to the production of many and varied items, including food, rubber, medicinal compounds, oils, and dyes.

Disclaimer: The statements contained in this document have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Any reference to medicinal use is not intended to treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.

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