My facts and conclusions about acne: the real cause

Fifteen years of treating acne with almost every topical and oral solution available, and using different treatments without success, forced me to search for a direct cause of acne.

My facts and conclusions:

1. Hormones are chemicals that regulate ALL functions of the human body (they tell organs and cells what to do)

2. In the human body there are several hormones, but for acne we are interested in testosterone (androgen)

3. The most active androgens are testosterone, precisely 5-testosterone (DHT) and they control the production of SEBO. Too much sebum leads to acne formation. Why don’t we get acne before puberty? Simply because the formation of testosterone begins at puberty.

4. Other hormones can also aggravate acne, but they are not a direct cause. Example: Stressful situations, when our body produces hormones called glucocorticoids.

5. The DIRECT cause of Acne is not: food, stress, poor hygiene, vitamins and bacteria on our skin. Bacteria are just the latest player in our story. Even hormones are not a direct cause.

The direct cause of acne is HORMONAL IMBALANCE in the first place and toxins in our body in second place.

This is my list of the main causes of acne:

Complex mix of causes of prostaglandin deficiency > Prostaglandin deficiency > Hormonal imbalance > Liver cannot remove all these hormones and send them to skin > Acne

As you can see, liver health is very important.

What the heck is prostaglandin, you ask? The messengers or communicators between cells and hormones are called prostaglandins and without them there will be no communication between cells and hormones. When there is no communication, the hormones will be unbalanced. Prostaglandins are biochemicals that communicate with hormones and cells and cause the cells to spring into action.

Prostaglandins work inside cells and help regulate cell and organ function through cell and hormone communication. Prostaglandins make sure that your androgen hormones are in balance as they regulate your hormones so that the oil glands in your skin produce just the right amount of sebum and thus prevent excessive sebum production that leads to acne.

6. Why are there not enough prostaglandins in our body? Because we don’t have enough GLA-gamma-linnolenic acid, which is the main precursor of prostaglandins. GLA is a special fatty acid from which the body can make prostaglandins. GLA is made from LA-linolenic acid, which we take in through various foods. The main problem is the inability of our body to convert LA into GLA, due to stress. Bad habits, food, alcohol, lack of vitamins etc. (If we don’t have enough GLA, our body can’t make prostaglandins, which regulate hormones.)

7. What happens when we run out of prostaglandins? Hormonal imbalance! If there is an overload of hormones in your body, the liver may have trouble removing them. The liver sends unbalanced hormones to our skin in the form of ACNE! Therefore, Strong Liver is a must for all acne sufferers!

8. So what is the ultimate acne solution?
The answer is the restoration of hormonal balance and strengthening of the liver. This cannot be done with topical and oral medications. It can be made with HERBS and their extracts in tablet form. GLA is the main ingredient of Omega 6 fatty acid. It is better absorbed along with other fatty acids EPA and DHA.

Source Naturals ArcticPure EFA Fish Oil contains: Essential Fatty Acids EPA, DHA and GLA

Evening primrose oil is rich in essential fatty acids, polyunsaturated fats as essential as vitamins and minerals for the maintenance of good health. The oil contains 74 percent linolenic acid (LA) and 8-10 percent gamma linolenic acid (GLA). Although other oils, such as borage oil and blackcurrant oil, contain higher amounts of GLA, evening primrose oil is by far the most popular and familiar source of this fatty acid.

Some herbs strengthen the liver. Milk thistle is the best known.


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