Is it possible to get rid of cold sores?

If you mean that there are herpes cures on the market that will permanently eliminate the virus from your body, then the answer is no. There is no drug or treatment at this time that will cure herpes. There are things you can do to make your outbreaks less severe and to reduce the number of times you get fever blisters each year.

There are many cold sore remedies that promise miraculous results. If you find one of them and it works for you, continue using it. Not all products that claim to get rid of cold sores quickly work for everyone. That would be too simple, and life just isn’t simple.

Many people treat their cold sores with home remedies. Since there is no proven cure, this treatment method is as good as any that has emerged in the medical field. Truth be told, home remedies are probably better than store-bought remedies.

Home remedies for things like this focus on creating a condition within your body that is undesirable for the virus to live in. If the host presents an undesirable place to stay, then the virus cannot stay. He follows him and speeds out of town.

To give your own immune system the ability to fight off this invader, you must give your body the proper fuel it needs to function. Your diet should be healthy and well balanced. When you start eating a poor diet, you start preventing your body from getting some of the vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, and antioxidants it needs to keep the warriors of the immune system on constant alert. So remember to feed your body well.

Be sure to keep your body hydrated and get plenty of rest. Alcoholic drinks deplete your fluid system, soft drinks are full of sodium and actually increase dehydration in your body. Your defense system can’t work if you make them slowly die of thirst. You don’t have to stop the other drinks you like. However, you should increase your daily water intake. Your body needs plain, running water to quench its thirst to survive and fight like it was made to fight.

Rest is also an important factor in allowing your body to prevent you from having a flare-up. When you don’t get enough sleep at night, your body becomes weak and your immune system becomes sluggish. It can’t stop the outbreak because you’ve drained it of all the energy it needed to function and then didn’t give it the proper amount of time to recharge. You’ve made yourself vulnerable to an outbreak, and it’s coming.

Try all the treatments available to you to stop these flare-ups, but keeping your body primed to resist the flare-up will be more beneficial than any medication or treatment you can apply externally.

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