Build Muscle and Burn Fat at the Same Time: 3 Easy Tips

this is one of MORE DIFFICULT things to do in the world Most people have enough trouble either just building muscle or just losing fat, but doing both… IMPOSSIBLE! …or is that it?!

Below are the three most common pieces of advice I give when I’m helping someone. build muscle and burn fat at the same time:

Old fashioned cardio is USELESS – The old days where the best way to get rid of your fat pack was to spend hours and hours on the treadmill, Stairmaster or stationary bike ARE OVER. While cardiovascular exercise is still effective for fat loss, modern science has discovered much more efficient ways to burn fat. And cardio is the ENEMY of muscle building because you generally tap into your energy sources and fat PLUS some muscle is burned during cardio. I recommend High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), which you can read about below. It doesn’t require ANY cardio, which is great, because if you’re like me, you hate sitting on a bike for an hour a day.

Nutrition is VERY IMPORTANT – It is especially important when you are building muscle while losing fat, because these tend to be contradictory. By cutting, you eat fewer calories than you use to lose weight. When you bulk up, you eat more to allow enough nutrition for maximum muscle building. THE KEY is to eat properly. I recommend nutrition plans that have you consuming enough to pack on the GREATEST MUSCLE POSSIBLE, while still having enough caloric deficiency to melt the fat! More information on this below.

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