homemade toys

How often have you seen this happen during the holidays? Parents have spent a small fortune on the latest and greatest toy. After a few smiles and laughs, the parents take the toy out of its huge box and proceed to put it together. Meanwhile, the boy finds the box quite fascinating. By the time the toy is fully assembled, the child is so engrossed in the box that he has no desire to play with the expensive toy.

This scenario is repeated house after house throughout the country. The lesson is that children are easily entertained and homemade toys can be created from everyday materials that can easily catch their attention. Here are some ideas to create easy homemade toys.

An idea for a homemade toy is a cardboard box car. Take a large cardboard box and cut a hole in the top and cut out the bottom. Decorate it like a car, using paper plates for the wheels and steering wheel. Your child will enjoy “driving” this car around the house!

Create a handmade bubble blower out of a toilet paper roll. Wrap the roll with aluminum foil. Make the bubbles by mixing liquid dish soap with water. Dip one end of the roll into the mixture and gently blow out the other end. You should be able to easily create very large bubbles!

Create a ball game with a quart plastic milk jug. Cut the pitcher in half and save the handle side. Throw a ball back and forth and use the pitcher to catch the ball.

Model airplanes can be made from the Styrofoam trays that the meat is packed in. Cut out a shape for the body, wings, and tail. Use a knife to cut a slit in the body for the wings and tail. Because Styrofoam is so light, these planes can fly a decent distance.

A personalized homemade toy is the homemade puzzle. Have your child create a drawing or other piece of art. Glue the artwork to a piece of cardboard. After it’s dry, flip the cardboard over and trace the shapes of the puzzle pieces. Carefully cut out these shapes. Your child will have fun putting together their own piece of art. Store the puzzle in a Ziploc bag.

A homemade bean bag toss game is another fun and active toy to create. Take a piece of sturdy cardboard and cut holes for the targets. Make sure the holes are big enough for the bean bag to fit through. Then make some poufs. Take pieces of material and fill them with beans or pasta. Sew them by hand to close them. Have your child decorate the target and assign points to the holes. Then have fun throwing the beanbags at the target!

Whatever toy you decide to make, be sure to include your child in the toy-making process. You will not only create a fun toy, but also create lifelong memories with your child. Using what would otherwise be garbage to make a fun toy also helps protect our environment.

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