Are Carbs Killing Your Brain?

It’s okay that it can be a bit dramatic, but maybe not as dramatic as you think. The latest research seems to confirm, among other things, that too many pimples can increase the chances of serious cognitive disorders.

We are all too familiar with Alzheimer’s and dementia. We all hope it doesn’t happen to us. Turning your golden years into years of separation and fear. What could be worse than not recognizing your loved ones, not remembering your home and the things you love the most? Living in a world of confusion and fear.

The latest research seems to confirm that pimples are linked to these afflictions. Sugars and certain food additives such as fructose are also involved. The Mayo Clinic published a study this year that claimed that a high-carbohydrate diet is 3.6 times more likely to cause cognitive impairment than low-carbohydrate diets. What may seem strange is that a high-fat diet was 42% less likely to cause these disorders than low-fat diets.

Dr. David Perlmutter is a neurologist and president of the Perlmutter Health Center in Florida. He is the author of a recent book entitled “Cereal Brain: The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbohydrates, And Sugar: The Silent Killers Of Your Brain.” This book describes in detail the effects of cereals and their relationship to cognitive disorders.

There is growing evidence that Alzheimer’s may be a third type of diabetes. All of this is particularly disturbing considering that the average US diet is over 60% carbohydrates.

Now none of this is set in stone. There are many different studies, different doctors, and certainly different books. However, there is definitely new growing evidence that carbohydrate overload is responsible for many different diseases, including obesity, which is a condition in itself.

So if we put it all together, we find that there is a huge increase in obesity, a relationship between carbohydrates, grains, and diseases like diabetes, as well as increasing evidence that other diseases like Alzheimer’s seem to be strongly connected to too many carbohydrates.

So you see where this is going. You may think that the Paleo diet sounds crazy. Certainly some of its supporters make it sound crazy, but … it is a diet that advocates low carb, no grains, low in sugar, and refraining from foods with preservatives. When you look at much of the latest evidence, you will probably come to the conclusion that it is not so far-fetched after all. It is very likely that in the near future you will see more evidence online, on television, or in magazines or newspapers that will make you think about Paleo again. Add to all this the testimonials and the success that people are having with Paleo.

Paleo isn’t just about losing weight. It’s about feeling better and enjoying life more. It’s about decreasing the chances of getting terrible diseases and disorders. Keep an eye out for more news on diet and disease research, and chances are, at one point or another, you’ll think about giving Paleo a serious shot.

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