Addressing our global problems with mother nature

As humans, we have a tendency toward complacency. We become comfortable with our routines and habits and begin to ignore the signs and signals that something in our personal life is out of balance and requires attention.

It can be our health, our finances, our social life, our home life, our business or our work life.

Whatever it is, if left unattended, any imbalance will tip the scales in the wrong direction. It eventually reveals itself as mental, physical, emotional, or even financial health issues.

Take, for example, heart disease. It’s the number one killer for one main reason: unhealthy habits. Lack of exercise, poor nutrition, and uncontrolled chronic mental stress top this list.

Unfortunately, the damage caused by fostering unhealthy habits doesn’t stop at the personal level. Indulging in unhealthy habits at home in our personal lives can be seen as a lifestyle disease that becomes a destructive global problem when governments run by people start acting the same way.

This indulgence towards nature’s nudges, its signs and symptoms to us when we are thrown out of balance, further exacerbates any imbalance and puts the health of our precious planet Earth under distress, strain and eventual collapse.

Core Lesson: We are not separate from Mother Earth. We are her children and she has given us a lot of natural resources to take advantage of and experience a fabulous life. If a crisis occurs in nature, it is because we have abused its privileges, exceeded the limits and created imbalance.

Instead of aligning ourselves with Mother Nature/Earth and using her natural resources in balance with a large dose of gratitude, we selfishly use and waste her resources, most of the time for temporary monetary gain and end up harming the environment created for us. May we live and prosper. in.

We strip your lush green forests and leach precious minerals from the soil leaving it barren. We poison the air and water, set fire to your landscape, and unnecessarily kill your amazing display of exotic wildlife for sport or a trophy.

Our insensitivity to the hand that feeds us has separated us from what we are, nature.

Destructive personal habits eventually manifest as illness or disease in our lives, and this same principle manifests as illness on a global scale. So what is the answer?

We must reverse our war against nature.

The ills that suddenly appear in the world in the form of disease, the pandemics that occur globally as a result, fires that rage out of control, pollution that poisons both air and water, and governmental and social collapses are all direct results of our thoughts. , complacent and unhealthy habits and actions. They bleed out of our personal lives collectively affecting our environment, our government, and our ecology in negative ways.

Ignoring the signals while waiting for a wake-up call before initiating changes puts us and our environment in grave danger, as most alarm bells don’t go off until problems are critical and reach boiling point. At this stage, things quickly go from minor symptoms to major problems, and suddenly we are faced with a nasty global crisis causing disruptions to trade, travel, productivity and damaging the health of the economy and the world at large. .

In the end, a war with nature is a war with us.

Global warming, environmental pollution, ruthless extinction of precious life-giving animals and plants, population explosion, food shortages and climate changes are global global problems that we, as humans and guardians of Mother Earth, we must solve. That can only happen when complacency is eliminated, responsibility is accepted, and each of us contributes to restoring balance to nature and maintaining it.

And it starts at home. “How we do the little things is how we do the big things.”

Our personal lives, our lifestyles, the habits we adopt and how they affect our health, mentally, physically and emotionally, do not stay bottled up at home, but instead unfold collectively on a global scale and ultimately affect the health and stability of the entire world. world.

The truth is that eliminating complacency by changing our personal daily habits and lifestyles for healthier ones is the first step to experiencing these same things globally.

We must stop our self-centered and arrogant attitude and point the finger. There is only one direction we can look for answers and that is directly towards ourselves, because we are the answer. If there is anything to point the finger at in all of this, it points directly at us. If changes need to be made, they start and end with us.

Each of us is an important cog in a larger plan, and when we don’t play our roles effectively, we damage the whole.

In other words, “we are all in the same boat” and we must become caring, resilient and selfless towards each other, Mother Nature and the world around us.

If we expect our environment, our ecology and our economy to be healthy, prosperous and balanced both on a personal and global scale and keep them that way, we have to step up and make serious changes.

We can no longer sit on the sidelines, blindly indifferent to the world around us, waiting for a crisis to “wake us up.”

It’s time for us to “twist that index finger”. We must accept responsibility for our lives, for the health of Mother Earth, our planetary home, and her bountiful life-giving resources. We must take responsibility, support and contribute to the stability of our governments, our appointed leaders and the decisions they make.

As United States President John F. Kennedy once asked: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Let’s expand that wise request to read: “Ask not what Planet Earth can do for you, but what you can do for Planet Earth.”

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