Senegal Parrot – 5 Personality Traits That Make The Senegal A Great Pet Parrot

The African Senegal Parrot has made its way onto the list of top picks for pet birds. Here are 5 of his best personality traits that help make him a great choice for a pet parrot.

Quieter than many parrots-Sometimes the Senegal appears as a calm bird, which is absolutely true, except when it is not. Although they are not prone to screeching and screeching as frequently as some parrots, when they want to be heard, they have no problem doing so. In their defense, they are not usually loud except when they are excited or want attention. And as always, a lot will depend on your individual bird.

can be entertained-These are fairly independent birds that do well without another bird sharing the cage with them. With a variety of toys that rotate in and out of the cage frequently, they are happy to spend their days exploring, swinging, climbing, and chewing on their toys for stimulation. They will still need to spend several hours out of the crate each day to get adequate exercise. They will also need several hours of daily human interaction to remain docile and continue to foster trust and affection between keeper and bird.

talkers-Many learn to speak well, while others tend to sound mechanical when speaking. There are still others who never learn to speak but enjoy whistling and imitating household sounds like doorbells, alarm clocks or microwaves. There are a number of videos and books written on the best way to get your bird to talk, but ultimately they are no guarantee that your chosen bird will. The best way to make sure your bird talks is to listen to it speak before you buy it.

highly trainable-Senegalese enjoy short but regular training sessions for tricks with the result of great tricks and a stronger bond between you and your bird. Remember to go slow, be consistent, and reward with a treat when he’s done a good job for you. Never, ever scold or punish your bird if it doesn’t meet your expectations. This will only insult your relationship with your bird and decrease the chances of your parrot learning the trick.

funny and entertaining-With proper toys, perches, ropes and a swing or two, they are energetic birds that are very entertaining. Watching them can be a lovely way to relax whenever you have a minute to watch the show.

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