4 Factors to Consider When Deciding on the Right Home Water Filtration System

Those planning to purchase a water filter for their home are making a wise decision. Here, they will learn more about the factors to consider before investing in equipment like this.

There are many different reasons for requiring a home water filter. When a member of the family has a weak immune system, it is essential to buy a filter for the home so that her health is not compromised.

Different types of water filters

Perhaps this is one of the most important factors to think about. Filters make use of different technologies with some being more efficient at removing contaminants than others. As an example, filters using reverse osmosis technology are effective at removing arsenic, fluoride, and nitrates, among other contaminants.

There are faucet mounted filters, countertop filters, and pitcher filters to choose from. Each filter works according to its name. Affordable faucet-mounted filters are used to dispense both filtered and unfiltered water. Pitcher-style filters are dispensers that have an attached filter and a carbon filter that removes contaminants.

Look for contaminants in the water

Before choosing the most suitable and efficient filter for a home, homeowners should first inspect their water for contaminants. If they know exactly what is in it, they can decide how they will deal with leaking water. When they use municipal water, they can ask the municipality about the chemical composition of their water on a regular basis.

If a well is your water source, it should be tested for bacteria and other microorganisms. There are water test kits on the market that could help assess the composition of well water. Once homeowners get the facts about the contaminants and chemicals in their water, deciding on the right type of water filter will be easy.

Meet Custom Water Goals

It is important to set personalized water goals once you get your water test results. They should know your home’s water goals and ask yourself the following questions. Do you have to filter the water inside and outside your house? Or do you just want to have filtered drinking water in your home? Depending on your goals, the water can be filtered at the point of use or entry. Point of use systems are installed at a single faucet where water is used.

Point-of-entry water filtration systems are installed on the main line, where water initially enters the house to filter water that will be used throughout the house. This system is ideal for a home as people can get filtered water every time they turn on the tap.

Keep the filter to stay efficient

After installing the filter, it is necessary to maintain it so that it remains efficient for a long time. The water cartridge must be replaced periodically. The manufacturer of the water filter will specify when it needs replacement.


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