You can be fully protected and insured for all occasions and circumstances

In the article “Being told four times to stand up implies a serious situation” is the introduction to what follows where we are told, instructed and commanded to put on the full armor of God. My source is the New Testament letter of Ephesians in Chapter 6 and I suggest you read the relevant sentences as well as the article referenced above as this is serious, appropriate and pertinent in today’s world, no matter where we are serving and living.

Paul is thinking of the Roman soldiers guarding him in the prison in Rome. He is chained to these men and looks at his attire and uniform with spiritual insight. Spiritual leaders are capable of doing this.

We are instructed to STAND FIRM and wear the belt of truth. This would get any loose clothing out of the way, so your legs could move freely. You had to be mobile.

THE TRUTH in these times is a scarce commodity. Many are finding this out among the higher realms of the business world to the shame and pain of those being found out. Behold, your sins will find you out. It is not just that your sins will be discovered. It is much more serious. You will be discovered!

Wear truth, honesty, integrity, be real, and shed any fancy mask of insincerity.

If we don’t use the truth, we can trip over our words. If a man tells lies he must have a very good memory. What did I say on that occasion to that person? If he has told the truth, he need not worry too much.

The truth allows the disciple of Jesus Christ to move freely.

The breastplate of justice. Guard the heart – the seat of emotions. What we have in our hearts determines much of what happens in our lives.

Bitterness – disbelief – doubt – fear – worry – wreak havoc! If the enemy can get in there and pierce our heart, then we can be seriously hurt and injured.

Justice is a condition of the heart, and not of the head. It is possible to believe all the right things, but not be okay with people and not live the right way.

Belief and behavior are very closely linked to each other. What I believe influences how I live and how I behave.

Wear reliable, solid, good-sounding SHOES, here called the Gospel of Peace. The Roman soldier’s shoes or boots were tied around the calves with leather straps. He needed to be mobile, able to move freely and safely, and cover long distances as comfortably as possible.

Move with peace, the peace of God, the peace that Jesus gives, for the rest of your life. Fight, fight and fight, knowing that you have the peace of God in your heart.

Shoes mean you are going somewhere.

And, sleep with your boots on, sleep in peace. If the enemy approaches you and you have to search for your boots, it may be too late. Advance preparation is vital. Prepare now for what God wants you to do, or what you may suddenly face. Speak from peace, and have the peace of God in your heart.

Take the SHIELD OF FAITH. There were two shields, one small and round, and one long and oval. The shield referred to here is the long oval. When you get behind that, you are totally protected and we need total protection. We have to grab it, grab it, grab it, and not let it fall to the ground.

The enemy will attack everything, what we believe in, our peace, our mind, our unity, our finances, even our shield! Many just don’t see that or don’t believe it.

He will attack what we believe and how we obey! That’s why we need the shield, so the enemy can’t pass by and hit us. The shield will put out all fire darts and arrows.


If you’re hit in the head, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to use the other pieces of armor. Know what you believe and why you believe it.

That helmet, put it on now, and it will protect you in other situations. The head represents the mind, our thought life, and there are people who would like to put bad thoughts in our minds, and that is why we need such protection.

Many cannot function because they are hurt in the head by bad thoughts, by negative thoughts. The enemy wants us to distrust people, to be suspicious of people, to fear people, to doubt others, and that is when depression can attack us. It hits us over the head, usually because of what we have allowed into our thought life!

The HELMET: Many in the world wear helmets to protect themselves from anything that might fall on them, or if they hit something, or run into an obstacle, on the oil rigs not far from us in Nairn, on a construction site – in a coal mine – and in the Church.

The church of Jesus Christ, the army of God, is a tough area!

And take the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. Know your Bible. Know what’s in it. That will mean reading and studying it. Feed on him. wear it and pray.

Surely you will have noticed that he does not have back protection. Turning around, walking away, compromising and giving in, makes a man very vulnerable.

The armor of God is not for the bed, but for the battle. The armor of God is not for going to a party, but for spiritual warfare. The armor of God is not a costume but essential equipment.

sand shaw

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