What is the cause of head lice?

Throughout the world, children commonly contract a condition known as head lice infestation. Some other countries refer to head lice as “nits”. This is technically the name of their eggs. Species that live on the head are known in the scientific community as pediculus humanus capitis. They are known to live in the hair of humans and feed on our blood. Once you are infested with lice, it is very difficult to get rid of them.

Children are much more likely to get head lice than any other group of people in the world. The family of an infested child also often gets lice. Lice are a major public health concern, however they do not transmit any disease. On the other hand, body lice are known to transmit many deadly diseases. There is also a species of lice called the crab louse. They infest pubic hair.

Humans are not the only species that can carry lice, but human species cannot live on other animals and vice versa. Mammals and birds are the most commonly infested. With humans, women are much more likely to get an infestation because they have longer hair.

Lice are only spread through head-to-head contact. Lice do not have wings, so they cannot fly and they also do not have the ability to jump. Clothing and personal items can also spread lice in some cases. Hats and combs, if worn or recently worn, may contain live lice. When you are trying to get rid of lice, you should disinfect items like this. However, you don’t have to worry about furniture.

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