What Every Woman Should Know Before Buying Immuderm

With so many anti-aging products vying for your attention, it can sometimes be difficult to know which one is right for you. Since skin is such a sensitive organ and people come in so many different shapes and sizes, what worked for someone else might not work for you. The makers of an anti-aging product from Norway called Immuderm claim to be different from the rest of the skincare market by making a unique promise. They say that their active ingredient is good for all skin types and that their product will not only make your skin look younger, it will also make your skin act younger.

So what does it mean to make your skin “look younger”? The creators of Immuderm say that its active ingredient, Norwegian Beta 1.3 / 1.6 Glucan, can help rejuvenate and regenerate skin cells. Norwegian Beta 1.3 / 1.6 Glucan is classically known as an immune system enhancer and generally comes in the form of an ingestible pill. But Immuderm’s parent company, called Biotec Pharmacon, claims to have found a way to solubize it so it can be applied topically. A little detective work reveals that the topical benefits of beta glucan are largely unknown, but Biotec Pharmacon makes a compelling case. They say that Beta Glucan can improve the resistance of skin cells, which, in turn, helps them heal and look younger.

Something to keep in mind about Immuderm is that they employ a smart direct mail strategy as part of their marketing campaign. To generate buzz and word of mouth awareness, Immuderm mails envelopes with personal addresses containing a newspaper article. The topic of the article is about how effective Immuderm is as a wrinkle fighter and scrawled across the top of the cutout is a handwritten note that says “Get this, it works – J”. Upon receiving the letter, many people believe that a friend, whose name begins with J, is recommending Immuderm to them. Also included is a number to call and buy Immuderm for just under $ 90.

So what are customers saying about Immuderm? There are many first person review reviews and the reviews range from very satisfied to unimpressed. There also seemed to be a little debate on the best way to use Immuderm. Some people claimed that it is better for age spots and not for reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles, while others said that it works best as a cure for rashes and eczema. It appears that the benefits of Beta Glucan are diverse and can actually treat a variety of skin-related conditions.

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