What Amazon’s drone delivery ad proves and how it will help your business

Jeff Bezos has done it again.

Through his company, Amazon, Bezos revolutionized the shopping experience. People could order products from the comfort of their homes with a simple click of the mouse.

It is comfort at its best. And the beginning of the end for traditional retail.

Bezos has not stopped there.

In a 60 Minutes interview (along with other media outlets picking up the story), Bezos announced the start of a future Amazon service called Amazon Prime Air.

Amazon Prime Air consists of drones that deliver your orders directly to your door within a few hours from one of Amazon’s nearby fulfillment centers. Bezos hopes to have it ready for release within the next 5 years.

Or so he says. More on that in a moment.

But if this turns out to be true…

Amazon hasn’t just put physical retail stores up against the wall, Amazon could be putting the nail in the coffin for the traditional mail carrier.

What’s going on?

Drones have been in the headlines since the War on Terror. When drones transitioned from military to commercial use in 2012, it opened up a lot of business opportunities for companies. Bezos recognized this and took the opportunity to capitalize on it. But not in the way you may think.

So what does this have to do with your sports and fitness marketing?

Any. At least when it comes to drones. There has been speculation that the drones are made up and are a cover for a recently best-selling book criticizing Bezos and his company.

But Bezos’s news announcement, and the timing of that announcement, is something to admire…and double down on his sports and fitness marketing.

Let’s take a look at the history of the tape:

– The ad aired during the Black Friday shopping weekend. (victory)

– The ad aired on December 1, 2013 – the Sunday before Cyber

Monday, the Black Friday of the Internet. (victory)

– Amazon is the largest internet retailer. (victory)

This, ladies and gentlemen, is known as the advertising trifecta. Actually, I just made up that term.

Have you heard the news… lately?

Advertising can be a great ally for your sports and fitness marketing.

This is just one example of good advertising in a different market:

Bobby Mackey’s world of music.

This Kentucky nightclub claims to house a “gateway to hell” and inhabits ghosts. They even claimed that his caretaker had been possessed. They even videotaped the exorcism.

All of which earned them a spot on a talk show in the early ’90s. Around Halloween.

Bobby Mackey’s Music World has since published a book about them; they have been featured clients on numerous ghost hunting reality shows; they offer ghost tours; they have a cult following with large crowds for business.

What great publicity for a honky tonk! Heavy metal joints should take note, especially for the “gateway to hell” attraction.

There is no such thing as bad publicity… WRONG!

There is bad publicity with bad results. Poor results could lead to a ruined business. It could lead to financial failure. Or worse yet… it could land you in jail.

Do you remember the “Balloon Boy” incident in 2009?

Richard Henne, an inventor with more ambition than brains, along with his wife, launched a gas-filled balloon into the air. Authorities and local media were told that his six-year-old son was inside the balloon as it traveled more than 7,000 feet in the air.

The national media picked it up. The international media picked it up. Soon, the whole world was following the “balloon boy” saga.

After the balloon finally landed, it was revealed that the boy had been inside Henne’s house the entire time. An investigation followed and proved it was all a publicity stunt by Henne and his wife to get interviews, book deals and a reality show.

Everyone was outraged. That’s right. During rescue efforts, Denver International Airport was closed, forcing flights to be delayed. Military was notified. Taxpayers were charged by the second.

Henne and his wife were convicted of felonies and served jail time for their publicity stunt.

Use good publicity for your sports and fitness marketing

The two sources to look for advertising are:

1. Trending news headlines (doesn’t have to be about sports and fitness)

2. Calendar of the year

So ask yourself…

What are the current trends?

What is relevant now?

What interests the public, including my target market, today?

What do the media look for in a story?

What media do I go to (local or specialized)?

How does it relate to my sports and fitness product and/or service?

If you look at these places for inspiration and then ask yourself the questions above, you can find good publicity for your business.

And more customers in the process.

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