Using custom Twitter backgrounds for branding

It seems like everyone is on Twitter today. So if almost everyone you know is on the third most popular social networking site, how do you get other people you don’t know interested in following you? Twitter, as many know, has a basic format: just write a post of 140 characters or less and, in some cases, attach a hash tag. But unlike a traditional blogging platform, Twitter has one major drawback: a lack of visuals. Do you think you’re going to get followers based solely on text? Images are an important factor in communicating on the internet, and Twitpics can only take a user so far.

The best way to add character to your account is through custom Twitter backgrounds. While Twitter itself only has minimal options for backgrounds, other sites have custom backgrounds that can be added to your Twitter profile. Unlike other social media companies, Twitter has no room for excessive images, audio, and video, and as a result, adding custom Twitter backgrounds won’t cause a profile to load slowly.

Twitter’s custom backgrounds make your profile an extension of your personal character. Since the possibilities are almost endless, you can give your profile a background that reflects your personal tastes, from displaying images of your favorite musicians and actors to abstract graphics and nature scenes.

However, Twitter isn’t just used for friendly chatting and watching your favorite celebrities. Rather, many businesses create Twitter accounts to promote themselves and connect with customers. In addition to connecting with existing customers, businesses often try to create new customers through social media. This approach, however, is not too different from a teenager creating a Twitter account to gossip with other girls about Justin Bieber. You want to stand out from the competition through text and images. In this case, the use of personalized Twitter backgrounds allows you to create a unique image and your brand on the Internet.

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