Use suffixes to register cheap domain names

The best web domain names are often taken or expensive. Cheaper domains, on the other hand, are not always effective. If you want to enjoy a cheap domain name registrar, adding a suffix can turn a very popular domain into a low-cost domain name for your website.

Main suffixes for the registration of private domains

To help you get started, here are some of the most popular and commonly used suffixes you can include in your domain name.


When people hear the word ‘central’, the mind usually envisions a professional place where all their essential needs are met. It is for this reason that most websites add the word ‘core’ to their preferred web domain. Other similar suffixes include house, warehouse, place, base, and site.


If your online business is in any way related to technology or the Internet, then the word “portal” would make a great suffix. No doubt your target market knows the terminology in these fields well and they will immediately understand why you have used ‘portal’ in your web domain name. Others may not understand, but they are unlikely to be part of your target market, and therefore their opinions are mostly irrelevant. In fact, in this case, it derives one of the essential rules for buying domain names. Always choose words that speak the language of your target market and they will surely find it interesting. Words like “camp” and “garden” can also make great suffixes as long as they are used for the appropriate website.


The word ‘now’ is a simple but effective suffix for web domain names for two main reasons. First of all, it connotes a sense of urgency or a quick process. Consider companies that offer insurance and loans. When the word ‘now’ is included in your domain name, readers can’t help but think that these websites may offer a faster way to get what they want. Secondly, the word ‘now’ can be considered synonymous with something current or new. This is essential when your business depends on the latest trends like fashion or news sites where the latest reports are always of interest.


When you use the word ‘talk’ on your domain, people will always expect an interactive feature. This could be provided through forums, chat rooms, chat boxes, or even any platform that allows people to post their comments. Similar words that connote the same idea include ‘voice’, ‘share’, ‘talk’, ‘coffee’, ‘connect’ or even ‘board’. With these suffixes, we hope you’ve found the best words to help you register domain names cheaply.

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