UK vs. US PR: Why US Communications Are The Same, But Different

Is public relations the same all over the world or are there significant differences from one country to another? For example, is it easy for professionals to move between the US and the UK?

Britain and the United States have always shared common values; historically, the two countries are closely aligned. Whether you’re watching a rerun of Friends or sipping a Starbucks coffee, the cultures seem similar. But when it comes to public relations, what are the significant differences in the way companies operate on both sides of the Atlantic?

Dennis L Wilcox, author of Public Relations Strategies & Tactics, says that public relations practices are not only the same in the UK and the US, but they are the same globally. He explains: “The basic principles and concepts of effective public relations are the same all over the world. There is still a focus on media relations in all nations, but professionals around the world are becoming much more sophisticated in problem management, crisis communications, CSR, social media and even measurement metrics. “

Rebecca Southern, account manager for the public relations agency Edelman, has worked in both London and New York. She agrees that basically the PR work in a large agency is the same in both nations. Rebecca took a five-month placement in the New York office and was amazed at how similar it is to working in the US and working here. “The first thing that struck me when I started working in New York was actually how similar the day-to-day activity was compared to my role in London. The processes, strategy and tactics that underpin client programs were very Similar”.

Day-to-day life can be similar for professionals working in the New York or London office of a large consulting firm, but the differences between the British and the American people are beginning to come to light when working with clients and the media. There are important differences here, both culturally and logistically. Due to the size of the United States, there is a wide range of communities, in terms of consumer tastes and therefore media consumption. Andy Barr, co-founder of the PR agency 10 Yetis. It has experienced marked contrasts when crossing the Atlantic. “The big geographic size difference between the US and the UK means that where generic national press releases can be used here, they just won’t work in the US, they have to really be tailored state by state.”

Aside from its size, there is a lot that the UK shares with the US, making it relatively easy for UK professionals to cross, and vice versa. However, the differences between us should not be discounted.

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