Turning Ideas into Goals Completed

Now, it’s important to keep in mind that there are different types of goals that we can set for ourselves, but in order to cut right to the chase, the goals I’ll be referring to within this series are transformational goals. Transformational goals require a connection far beyond the surface, you actually have a united heart. Thinking about this type of goal can make you want to daydream or start wondering what if type of questions. Some examples of transformational goals are being your own boss, getting your health back, writing a book, or becoming debt free.

I want to take the time to warn you about the main roadblocks people run into, let’s just remove that so we can move forward. Here you have it! When we begin to develop a transformational goal (TG) and work towards its culmination, we will find three key areas that will test our determination and perseverance, fears, worries and doubts. So start becoming aware of those phrases, thoughts and actions that come from one or all of those roots. I want to give you three tips to fight against these obstacles:

· Be very honest with yourself!

Every time you have a thought, phrase, image, or action that directly combats the goal you’re working toward, ask yourself why. Immediately after saying your answer out loud, continue this exercise until you get to the root of the problem. You will see that this root is fear, worry, doubt. The intention of this exercise is to begin to become aware of your true reality, which is that you do not achieve your goals because you do not have the ability to complete them, you do not actually achieve your goals because you have lost your focus, your power. , your choice!

· Look at the person you are working to become, not the experiences you went through before!

This person is very real and is dying to get out of your dreams and into your new reality. So watch her for clues to your talents and strengths that you possess. She has overcome experiences that have tested her and now she uses those experiences as her testimony, meaning she can acknowledge those experiences without allowing them to dictate her next move. She uses it because she is connected to the true purpose, the same purpose that God has placed in your heart.

· Emotions are great motivators, not leaders!

Through this process your emotions will fluctuate, be prepared for this and remember that your emotions are there to motivate you to action, not to take you to your desired destination.

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