The Truth of Genesis: An Attack on Christians and Jews – Part 2, Devil vs. Man!

The worlds of Creationism and Theology do not understand the text of Genesis, that is why they believe and teach false and foolish doctrines. As explained in the “Remarks of Moses” (Genesis 1:2 – 2:3), the seven days are written in the order that they were revealed by Yehovah to Moses. However, chronologically, they follow the “Feasts of the Lord” sequence, and it is the first revelation of Yeshua (Jesus) in the Scriptures. I urge everyone to look up the name “Michael Rood” and “Lord’s Feasts.”

To understand the Gospels and the first of the three comings of the Messiah, you must first understand the Feasts that God gave Israel, and I think Mr. Rood is the leading expert in that area. As he says, the “Holidays” are shadows of good things to come.

Picking up from Part 1, it’s 245 million BC. C., the end of the first era of humanity on Earth, which began at the end of (our) Creation Week, 4.6 billion years ago. This age is represented by the Fourth Day, Genesis 1:14 – 19. The Earth was a paradise. The Moon, along with all the other celestial bodies in our solar system, were originally craterless. The planet Venus originally had white clouds. The planet Mars was created with rivers of flowing water and abundant vegetation. The fifth planet was a geological marvel, part terrestrial rock and part gas. The sixth planet (now the fifth), which we call Jupiter, had more than 60 moons, but it also had an oval comet (S/L-9), which orbited Jupiter every two years.

With the fall of Lucifer, our system suffered his wrath as he blamed earthlings for his failures. The fifth planet was turned into rubble (the asteroid belt), and much of the remaining debris was flung across our solar system, in an attempt to destroy as much as it could. This is a time of upheaval on Earth, for original humanity, as described in the first layer of Revelation 12:10 – 17. Remnants of life forms were given refuge in our hollow Earth. In Exodus 20:11 (…and everything in them), God had already made preparations, and had also made provision for the place called “sheol”, which would in future be occupied by the righteous souls on one side , and ungodly souls in torment awaiting judgment on the other side. God saw “the end from the beginning.”

During this interval, and the others that followed, the Earth was barren and the Sun did not shine. Satan was not happy that there was no life form to interact with. However, the fifth day of Moses soon began (Genesis 1:20-23), which ushered in Week One of the Restoration. This is the era that modern science calls the age of the dinosaurs (245 million BC – 65 million BC). It was on this day that God created the plesiosaurs and liopleurodons, which Moses called “sea monsters” (not great whales). God also created archeopteryx (birds of the air) which Moses also saw. However, on the sixth (next) day of this week, God created the terrestrial dinosaurs and the second advent of mankind, but Moses was not shown that particular day.

This second advent of humanity seemed content to use the larger life forms as beasts of burden. It is unknown how far they advanced technologically. Satan tried the same tactics on them as he did on original humanity, but they did not capitulate either. By whatever means, whether terrestrial or extraterrestrial, Satan instigated the second great extinction, after becoming bored with humanity again, in the year 65 million BC.

During the next interval, the Earth became barren again and the Sun and stars did not shine. For Week Two of the Restoration (Genesis 1:24 – 31), Yehovah did something different on the sixth day of this week. It is on this day that God created herbivores (such as eohippus) and giant mammals (such as indricotherium). . Later on this day however, unlike the first two advents, this time God made mankind (male and female) in his own image, after his likeness, in 64+ million BC. In this era, specifically the Eocene Period, mankind built stone cities, stone pestles, and mortar bowls, as discovered during the California Gold Rush (Table Mountain, Tuolumne County) in the mid-1850s , which modern science does not want to talk about. on. Ask to see them at the University of Berkley.

Since humanity was now the image of God, Satan changed his tactics and would soon attack humanity directly, trying to corrupt it. He began to accuse humanity, the first such case being that of a righteous man named Job. By revelation, the prophet Jeremiah wrote the book of Job, the events of which occurred in the year 55 million BC. The “sons of God” were the remnants of previous humanity, appearing during a visit from the Creator within the hollow Earth. However, Satan also came.

This advent of man lasted until 25 million BC. His existence came to an end through years of sin and corruption, followed by war. Satan took pleasure in what he felt was a great achievement, causing humanity to destroy itself. However, a remnant of humanity survived and joined those already in the hollow Earth.

During this next interval, in 24+ million BC, the Earth’s surface was barren again, and the Sun and stars did not shine, for they are signs given to mankind. Without humanity on Earth, a sign has no value, because it cannot be seen. After this interval comes the Third Week of the Restoration (Genesis 2:1-3), with the fourth advent of humanity, represented by the seventh day. This is also the era of the prehistoric merychippus and pliohippus horses, which mankind first learned to ride.

Still, try as he might, Satan wanted to possess the soul of mankind, but he couldn’t, at least not yet. The later offspring of the patriarchs (of this age) would succumb to the wiles of Satan, and evil would spread among the majority of the masses. Satan laughed when God sent a flood over the entire Earth, as a judgment to contain the wickedness of man, and a small remnant was saved to live within the Earth.

Yes, the Devil would laugh, thinking he could sidestep Yehovah’s pending judgment on him. But the next age would bring the first prophets of God and set the stage for the end of Satan, as was said in Part 3.

Herman Cummings

[email protected]

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