Syphilis test: why it is important to be tested for syphilis

Syphilis testing is important because it is easily spread and can be fatal, but it can also be cured. Syphilis test to take the first step towards rapid treatment.

What is syphilis?

Syphilis is classified as a sexually transmitted disease (STD) because it is most commonly spread through sexual contact. It is a bacteria that can cause serious health problems or even death if left untreated.

It lives in the body and has four (4) stages: primary, secondary, latent, and late. In its final stages, it can be fatal. Since it is a bacteria and not a virus, it can be cured with antibiotics in its early stages. Most doctors recommend penicillin. Other antibiotics may be prescribed for people allergic to penicillin. Syphilis testing with a blood sample is the only way to diagnose the infection.

How is it transmitted?

Most commonly, it is spread from person to person through sexual contact. People get it by coming into direct contact with a syphilis sore during oral, vaginal, or anal sex. It can also be passed by kissing if contact is made with an open sore. These sores can be located on the penis or in the vagina, mouth, or anus.

Sex is not the only way to get this disease. A pregnant mother can pass it on to her children during childbirth and cause the children to become infected.

It is recommended that all sexually active people be tested for syphilis annually and with each new partner. It is also recommended that expectant mothers be tested for syphilis during pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of syphilis?

Many times people with syphilis will show symptoms, but sometimes they won’t. If symptoms are present, they will show up differently depending on the stage of the infection.

1) Primary: This stage occurs approximately 3 weeks after infection. During this time, people can develop a small sore in the area where the bacteria entered the body. It may be located in or on the penis, vagina, anus, or mouth. Most people only have one sore, but it is possible to have several. It is usually painless and goes away in a few weeks. Many times it goes unnoticed.

2) Secondary: A few weeks after the first sore heals, a rash may develop. It starts in the center of the body (the area that covers the abdomen, sides, and back) and eventually spreads to the entire body, including the hands and feet. Sores can also develop in the mouth or genital area. The rash is usually not itchy and can also present with flu-like symptoms, including fever, sore throat, muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes. These symptoms may go away within a few weeks, or they may come and go over the course of a year. Even if they go away, it is important to get tested for syphilis.

3) Latent: this is when the syphilis infection is not treated and the previous symptoms disappear. The bacteria are still living and thriving in the body at this time and can lie dormant (show no signs) for years.

4) Late: At this time, bacteria can devour a person’s brain, organs, nerves, bones, and joints. It is at this stage that it becomes fatal.

This disease may or may not have indications. The syphilis test tells a person whether or not they are infected.

Who is at risk?

Anyone who is sexually active is at risk for STDs, including syphilis. Practicing abstinence (not having sex at all) is the only way to avoid this risk altogether.

An easy way to reduce risk is to use condoms correctly during every sexual encounter. However, although this may reduce the risk, depending on where they are, syphilis sores may not always be prevented by using a condom.

Research shows that people who have unprotected sex, those with multiple partners, men who have sex with men (MSM), and people who are HIV positive are at higher risk. Conversely, contracting syphilis also increases the risk of contracting HIV. It’s smart to get tested for both.

Why is testing so important?

Syphilis testing is very important because when treated properly, it can be cured. If left untreated, it can cause death. Many times people do not know they are infected. Symptoms may not be present or may be inadvertently ignored.

It is recommended that all sexually active people get tested for syphilis every year and with every new partner. Knowing your STD status and your partner’s STD status will help reduce your risk of spreading sexually transmitted diseases.

Where can I get a test?

There are thousands of local STD testing centers across the US that offer STD testing for Chlamydia, Herpes, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV, and Syphilis. The syphilis test can be ordered on its own. However, doctors recommend getting a full panel STD test that includes everyone.

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