stomach sounds

In case you’re wondering if your loud stomach growling is normal, the truth is that it may or may not be.

Relax, if your stomach is making noise and it doesn’t hurt, don’t worry too much about the noise. You have to check it when the noise is louder than normal and when it causes you pain.

Although stomach gurgling sounds are very common, not all of them are considered normal. Usually, abdominal noise is so loud that we think others can hear it. Sometimes they can. While we pretend it’s all funny, it’s actually embarrassing. Some people compare having a rumbling stomach to a hot water bottle strapped to their body and making funny sounds even with just one body movement.

Even before we start eating, the moment our brain sees the food, it starts producing acids and sends them to the small intestine. That begins the digestion process. The food moves through the system. You eat, your food goes into the acid, which is there because of signals sent from your brain, and works its way down. That’s what makes loud tummy noises. 80% of the bacteria in the stomach are produced by the bacteria in the food we eat. Food and waste products move through the digestive tract, trapping air by pushing it forward and this is how tummy gurgling occurs.

There’s no point in getting too stressed out by loud stomach growling. While it may not completely stop the noise, eating smaller portions several times a day can help. Some foods don’t break down until they reach the large intestine, increasing the amount of air they produce during the digestion process. Foods that have a reputation for causing more stomach inflammation are: beans, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, peas. High-fiber foods, carbonated drinks, foods that contain the artificial sweetener sorbitol, like the natural sugar found in most fruits, also cause bloating.

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