Screeching Voice: How To Get Rid Of That Annoying Screeching Voice

It goes without saying that; a shrill voice is really disgusting to listen to and can make someone’s life horrible. If you have that voice and you think it’s affecting the quality of your life or the way you go about your daily activities, then you can always do something about it. You’re not supposed to get stuck in your high-pitched voice for the rest of your life. As you may already know, the quality of your voice can be improved with laryngeal exercises and other techniques designed to control your vocal cords and improve the way you speak.

You see, the society we live in today judges people based on so many different factors and tone of voice is one of the most important of these factors. Sure, people will always consciously judge what kind of person you are based on factors like your height, your age, the complexion of your skin, etc., but unconsciously they will judge you based on the sound of your voice and whether this sound is shrill. They will usually put it down to a lack of self-confidence and usually won’t take you seriously when you speak. Also, squeaky voices will generally drive away the people you’re talking to.

So now you know all these disadvantages of having a high-pitched, squeaky voice. But what can be done to get rid of this? Can you do something about it? Well here are some tips on how to get rid of that annoying shrill voice and make your tone deep, sexy and really loud.

The first thing you can do to get rid of a squeaky voice is to make sure the location of your voice is not in your nose. People with adenoid voices inevitably sound as if they are speaking much louder.

The second thing you can do to get rid of your annoying screeching voice is to try speaking from your chest or abdomen. The simple truth is that when you speak from your neck or nose, your voice gets really shrill, but when you speak from your chest or abdomen, your voice is deep, loud, and pleasant to listen to.

There are many more tips on how to get rid of that annoying squeaky voice, but you should always remember that “voice quality = vocal tract configuration + laryngeal anatomy + learned component”. So, as you can see, your high-pitched voice quality is not permanent, as voice quality has something to do with the “LEARNED COMPONENT”, this involves exercises that you personally do to improve your voice quality.

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