Portable Projector Review – Samsung P400 Ultra-Portable DLP Lumen Pocket Projector

Very small and light. Elegant and sophisticated design. It has the great glossy look of most Samsung products. Smaller than the size of your outstretched palm. Weighs less than 2 pounds (less than 1 kg) 150 ANSI lumens and is LED powered. This works great with the lights off. But in a bright and sunny room it will have a hard time projecting a clear image and the image will fade a bit.

The main weak point of any projector has to be the bulb. They typically only last a few thousand hours and are very expensive and tend to give up the ghost right in the middle of a movie or presentation. But this is not the case with the Samsung P400 as they use a bright LED which is long lasting and has a lifespan of 30,000 hours. It has 2 built-in speakers that eliminate the need to transport speaker systems to use this projector. It has a resolution of 800 by 600 and has a contrast ratio of 1000:1. And aspect ratio 4:3. The P400 DLP also comes with a handy remote control to operate it.

This projector can be connected to operate with a DVD player, computer, xbox, ps3, cable box or any other multimedia or gaming system. Note that the Blu Ray connectivity is out as it does not have an HDMI connection for blu ray.

This is great for the street vendor or giving presentations on the go. If you’ve been on vacation or want to show that special wedding or christening video to your friends and family easily, this would be the ideal choice due to its lightweight design and flexibility of use.

On the back of the unit you have a composite input for video and audio inputs. It also has a VGA input that connects to the PC or laptop and a headphone jack input. So you can watch whatever you want with this projector and not disturb anyone else.

It is not the most powerful projector, but it is ultra-portable. This is much better than most projectors in its class and price range. The brightness of the projector will pleasantly surprise you.

Here are some customer reviews of the ultra-portable Samsung P400 DLP Lumen Pocket Projector;

Very good resolution. Watching a movie on a white wall is like the theatre…. Manish Pandit

Amazing! Small, easy to carry, easy to operate… Very efficient in a dark room… Z. Karkar

I use the P400 DLP with a Macbook to show digital images to groups of 12-50 people. Images look good if the light in the room is dim…. Robert D. Potter

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