Obsessive-compulsive disorder – OCD related to the fear of being abducted by aliens

Are you afraid of being abducted by aliens?

Do you perform rituals so that doesn’t happen?

If it does, you have OCD. There is a cure, so don’t worry. However, you have a bit of work ahead of you. Don’t let that stop you from seeking the help you need to get through it.

Sometimes we may feel that we are the only ones with the type of OCD that we do, but that is not true.

You’d be surprised how many people suffer from the exact same type of OCD as you. What you can do to be different and unique is to be one of the few who actually seeks a cure for it and becomes OCD free. That’s the best you can do for yourself right now.

Rest assured that you will not be abducted by aliens. I know this topic is ridiculous to most people, but not to you, it’s a genuine fear that you have, but realize this, it’s just that, a fear. You don’t want to be afraid of fear itself right now, do you?

Sometimes what we have to do is change the course of our life. If you see yourself heading for a waterfall and you are if you have OCD, it’s time to turn the boat in the opposite direction.

How can you do this?

You can do this by simply stopping performing the rituals, which will stop the boat, then you can face your fear and see that the bad thing you thought was going to happen didn’t happen as a result of you doing the rituals or not.

Once you show your brain that even though you didn’t perform the ritual and still haven’t been abducted by aliens, you don’t have to worry anymore. Your brain will see that the rituals have nothing to do with being abducted by aliens and the fear will calm down and say your fear out loud and you will see how ridiculous this notion is. Even though you know it’s ridiculous, sometimes you have to say it out loud for your brain to really get it.

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