Natural remedies for acne and eczema

Natural remedies for acne and eczema are powerfully effective in improving both of these skin conditions. If you’ve been experiencing chronic acne breakouts or long-term eczema, it’s time to look for some solutions.

The first thing to do to help with the immediate symptoms is to apply a good quality aloe vera gel. Aloe stimulates a powerful healing response and will have an immediate calming effect. Lily of the Desert is a good brand available at most health food stores.

The best aloe gel product I have ever used is from a company called Aloe Life. It’s called Aloe Skin Gel. It’s a very powerful combination of aloe, comfrey, chamomile, and vitamins A, C, and E. Pretty basic, but I’ve seen it outperform most other products on the market.

Another product worth mentioning here is Cellfood Oxygen Gel. It is much more expensive than many other effective products, but if the eczema is extremely bad, it may be worth paying more. It is an aloe base with additional enzymes, trace elements and dissolved oxygen. In my work as a nutritionist, I have seen people cure skin cancer with this product. I’m not stating that it would work for everyone, I’m just stating what I’ve seen happen with quite a few clients.

At the same time that aloe gel is applied topically, aloe juice should be taken internally. One ounce taken on an empty stomach twice daily (morning and evening) for 3 to 4 days, then 2 ounces twice daily. This should be continued for at least 2-3 months. Symptoms will usually start to improve much sooner (7 to 10 days), but it will take some time for long-term resolution.

More natural remedies for acne and eczema

More natural remedies for acne and eczema skin conditions include probiotics, cultured foods, vegetables, dietary changes, and increased water intake. We will cover these in order.

You should also take a quality probiotic aggressively (at least the maximum recommended dose or as suggested by a trusted professional knowledgeable in natural remedies). Probiotics will help strengthen your immune system. This will allow your body’s natural healing mechanisms to speed up the process. It will also help with any underlying issues with digestion and nutrient assimilation in the intestines.

Eating cultured foods like yogurt, kefir, kim-chi, and miso will help, but they should not be relied upon. They are common natural home remedies, but not the most effective. They help temporarily but will not always be enough to restore the proper balance of the intestinal flora. Do some research and come up with a very high potency, high quality probiotic and plan on taking it consistently for 3-6 months. There is probably a major imbalance and long-term supplementation will be more likely to get long-term results.

Probiotics that I have had good results with include Jarrow-dophilus EPS (from Jarrow Formulas), Kyo-dophilus (from Wakanauga), and Multi-dophilus (from Sedona Labs) are all good products. For a little more money, try Healthy Trinity (from Natren) or Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotic (from Essential formulas).

Probiotics, aloe gel and aloe juice will be effective. If you want to kick it up a notch, add a green superfood. Super Greenfoods will provide you with nutrients and chlorophyll to cleanse the blood. This, in turn, will help make your body more alkaline, a more conducive situation for healing to occur. Perfect Food (from Garden of Life), Kyo-Green (from Wakanauga), and Just Barley (from Pure Essence Labs) are all good products. There are many high-quality products at health food stores to choose from. Do your research, get a good product and plan on taking it for at least 2-3 months.

Diet changes are necessary for acne and eczema conditions. For the sake of simplicity, I’ll keep this simple: stop eating processed foods. All chips, sodas, cakes, cookies, crackers, processed meat, fast food, etc. It’s junk food and you know it. Start eating whole foods like fresh fruits, vegetables (especially green leafy vegetables), whole grains (not flour, real whole grains), legumes, raw nuts (almonds and walnuts are best), seeds, and herbs.

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