Latest trends to follow in cloud computing in 2020

In today’s corporate industry, the use of cloud computing has become an unspoken norm. Almost everyone has heard of it, and its benefits are vast and far-reaching: it saves costs, increases efficiency, helps get work done faster, and more. In different market research carried out over time, the results have shown that this trend of use of cloud computing by companies and technology houses is destined to increase in the coming years.

So far, there have been some notable changes in the cloud computing field, and it will be important for companies to review these when investing their time and capital in cloud computing.

Quantum Computing-

Quantum computing literally translates into tasks that previously took hours will now take exponentially less time, seconds to be precise. This means that computers and servers will now process information much faster than usual, which will increase the speed of the network in the next time. Remember that today’s networks have cloud computing at their core, which means that substantial technological changes are likely to occur in cloud computing due to the development of quantum computing.

Use of Blockchain

Blockchain technology has led to the development of faster network systems. Many companies, especially fintech powerhouses, have increased the use of blockchain in their cryptocurrency analysis and validation. At the heart of all this is cloud computing, which has the potential to host cryptocurrency trading, initial coin offerings, among other things.

Increase digital knowledge

As the newer workforce enters jobs over time, we find that they are much more familiar with the technological advancements of newer technologies, especially cloud computing. With this, companies will see that they have two types of workers, those that are technologically advanced and those that are not so technologically advanced. Companies will have to carry out different training and induction programs to keep older generations digitally up to date.

Workers mobility

Building on the correlations of growing digital knowledge among workers, it is soon catching up to newer workers, which has to do with the mobility of workers and their work. With cloud computing, workers don’t need to be in their offices and cubicles every time they are working. They can work from anywhere, from any device, and get the job done. Any company that doesn’t offer them mobility won’t have loyal employees.

Edge computing

Edge computing means “bringing computing closer to the source of the data.” Due to this, communication between the network and the data source is substantially minimized, increasing the computational speed and substantially reducing costs. How did this happen? With could computing. This type of technology is used in modern devices such as smart refrigerators, smart speakers, cars, etc. and it is only possible thanks to cloud computing.

AI (artificial intelligence): the revolutionary new invention

Artificial intelligence is seen as the future of digital automation. The automation facilities it offers to businesses have surprised even the most optimistic people, and even with its criticisms, people have begun to understand just how useful AI can be. With AI, we are expected to see an increase in devices that use edge computing, which means that their foundation lies only in cloud computing. Artificial intelligence is something that all companies should be aware of.

Serverless Computing

This is a newly developed cloud computing model where a dynamic backend system helps you scale your usage up and down based on your application or service usage instead of using default servers. This technology is also considered futuristic, with people like Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella backing it. Slowly, open source serverless IT service providers will emerge, reducing the need for server providers with whom you have to secure your services.

Data center ecosystem

Combining the power of machine learning, cloud computing and data processing with quantum computing, we will see that the software will soon become a service rather than a subscription-based product that will be easily used by companies and business houses with the help of these new developments. technologies. In this way, the time to complete a project will be reduced, costs will be cut and we will see a reduction in redundant processes. One would see that the way data is viewed today would be revolutionized, with cloud computing technology as the foundation.

To conclude, current advancements in cloud computing are just a glimpse of what is to come. It is just a base. At the helm of it all, there will be many newer innovations and technologies available to revolutionize the way we do everything we do.

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