Keyword Elite Review – The Power of Adwords Keyword Research Tool

If you have any experience using Google Adwords, you know that the KEY to AdWords success is finding and using the right keywords. But the question is how do you find the right keywords? The answer is in the AdWords keyword research tool.

A very popular AdWords keyword research tool I found is Keyword Elite, but I wasn’t impressed at first because I had been using Wordtracker as my keyword research tool. The main reason I use the keyword research tool is to find long tail keywords, it saves me a lot of time compared to doing it manually.

Both Wordtracker and Keyword Elite are very useful for generating long-tail keywords. But what got me interested in taking a closer look at Keyword Elite is its ability to spy on the keywords used by your AdWords competitors. This feature is very interesting but there is much more.

In fact, Keyword Elite consists of 5 components or “project types” as they call them. Each project has its own function. The 5 Projects are:

1. Create a keyword list.

2. Analyze pay-per-click listings.

3. Select a keyword list.

4. Analyze the keyword competition.

5. Spy on the AdWords competition.

Project 1 you are creating a list of keywords. There are many AdWords keyword research tools available on the market that can help you develop a keyword list. What Keyword Elite does is combine all the results from these tools (such as Overture, Google Suggestion Tool, Yahoo!, Ask, and Meta Tags) and put them into an alphabetically arranged spreadsheet. And if you have subscriptions to Wordtracker and KeywordDiscovery, you can also add and combine the results.

You can do all of this manually, but it will take a lot of time since you need to use each tool individually. With Keyword Elite, simply enter your seed keyword, select the search engines you want results from, and hit the OK button. You can select how many results to return between 100 and 10,000 keywords. It’s a real time saver as you can develop hundreds or even thousands of keywords in just a few minutes. After playing around with project 1 for a while, I started to realize why it’s the top keyword research tool in AdWords.

Project 2 it will show you some interesting facts. It allows you to see ads and keywords that your competitors are currently using. You can see the actual URLs, what ads are running, the rankings, the bid amount, and other important statistics. It uses this information to spy on and learn from its competitors. Pick the top 10 competitors, study their rankings, write better ads, and outbid them. You can do all of this manually, but it will probably take several days. With Keyword Elite, all this information is available in just a few minutes. Again, it’s a real time saver.

project 3 gives you the ability to build your keyword list from Keyword Elite’s existing database. If your niche topic already has a keyword list developed, you’ll have your list generated in no time, just enter the keyword term and half of your keyword research is done. It’s as simple as that.

project 4 it gives you another way to spy on the competition. Here you enter the keyword you want to analyze and request Keyword Elite to show all sites advertising the keyword. You can apply for up to 100 sites, but I usually only apply for the top 10 sites. It will provide information like PageRank, word count, keyword density, etc. You can use the information to analyze why these sites are at the top, what things they have done well to get to the top spot, and optimize your own website to achieve the same result. So far I have not seen any AdWords keyword research tool that can provide such detailed information.

project 5 will help any AdWords advertiser succeed. As mentioned, the key to Google AdWords success is bidding on profitable keywords. BUT the problem is… how do you know which keywords are profitable? Here you can ask Keyword Elite to run a report showing you the number of days a particular keyword has been bid for. The longer that keyword is bid for, the more profitable it will be. You can run the report by days, weeks, or whenever you want to see if that keyword is still bidding for.


Without a doubt, Keyword Elite is the premier keyword research tool for AdWords advertisers. It is a very powerful software tool that goes beyond keyword research and long-tail keyword identification, it also allows users to spy on their competitors and perform in-depth competitive analysis. Most of the tasks described can be done manually, BUT doing so will take a lot of time. With KE you will save a lot of time on research and analysis, it gives you more time to focus on other more important business activities. If you really want to make money with Google Adwords, I highly recommend investing in this keyword research tool.

Learn more about Keyword Elite here and download a FREE eBook [].

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