Is there a certain magic in believing? part 2 of 3

Of course it exists, and anyone can harness its positive powers. This article, part 2 of a 3-part series, looks at ways to improve your attitude and how you can harness the magical powers of believing in yourself. In part 1, we explore the different types of personality, procrastinators, and goers. Now you can learn how you can develop or improve a PMA. Go!

A) Get rid of the Defeating Attitude

Live the negative perspective

As I mentioned before, success and failure lie within the thoughts of man. Many people simply cannot stop playing the victim because it is easier to live in neurotic patterns than to make changes for the better. The victim role suits them well. They are quite content simply dragging their feet through life playing it safe and accepting what fate has bestowed upon them. People who are negative in their thoughts are easily detected by their sloping shoulders, drooping chins, and expressionless faces. These people are afraid to look into the future. They cannot visualize the wonderful opportunities that can be presented to them because they constantly regret what they once were and what they once had. They are too immersed in their current difficulties and problems. This aggravates not only them, but also those within hearing range. The more negative results they find along the way, the more they believe that life is against them. We live in a world of cause and effect, and many of us establish the causes of the results that can happen to us. By allowing unfavorable energies to take control of your subconscious, you are preventing yourself from experiencing something positive that can provide solutions to your problems. For these individuals, that certain magic in believing becomes downright elusive.

Your thoughts will determine your daily life, your career and will also reflect the type of person you are. In the process of trying to achieve success, there will be many times when you will encounter temporary defeat and even failure in your undertakings. In the course of feeling defeated, the least problematic and most logical thing to do is to quit. The sly irony of this is that people quit when success is often close at hand. Let’s say you decided to give it a try and taste that certain magic. Naturally, the first person to share your good intentions with is a close friend or relative. Keep in mind that you should never assume that they will be useful. Trust me, I’ve been there before, especially if it doesn’t fit their area of ​​thought (often out of jealousy or control), then a negative attitude will be projected, which can influence your thoughts one way or another. the other, taking all the wind out of your sails. At that point, you may feel like everyone and everything is against you because they don’t see things the way you do or don’t even wish you the best in your endeavour.

So how do you handle all of this and make your life better and more different?

Experience the positive result

You can adapt a form of tunnel vision, but do it in a positive way. Stay focused on your goal, don’t be sidetracked by negative influences. In other words, believe that only pleasant things will happen if you have the intention of achieving that achievement in your life. Success will come to those who are aware of success through and through while holding only positive thoughts. You must start with the desire to achieve that goal, and then back it up with all your energy, willpower, and all-out effort, believing that you will get what you want. Keep in mind that if something doesn’t work out, you have to keep trying again and again until you get it right. When you stay focused on your goal and maintain a positive attitude, you become a magnet that attracts the right opportunities, the right people, and the right situations—situations that will help you bring your vision to fruition.

B) Stop dragging your self-esteem and self-esteem

Live the negative perspective

Some of us, growing up, may have been subject to constant criticism or bullying from family, friends, and possibly even teachers. They would take away our self-esteem. In effect, this behavior has not only affected our self-esteem but has also stripped us of our self-confidence. Each of these three factors is different in its own way from the other, but when combined, they can virtually permanently handicap you when it comes to wanting to experience that certain magic in believing. “Self-esteem fluctuates depending on what is happening to you at the time. You could be happy one minute feeling like you won the lottery and depressed the next when things don’t work out. When it comes to self-esteem, this is the value you place on yourself. to oneself.It is also the favorable opinion of oneself that is not dependent on financial assets, academic achievements, the status quo, or physical attractiveness.Once twisted, it is difficult to orient oneself emotionally and regain one’s self-confidence. when it comes to what you’re doing and where you’re going. That can be pretty scary. Everyone is certainly worthy. It’s an extraordinary gift we’re born with. It can’t be taken away from us, but it can be overlooked every so often.

As for self-confidence, it is having confidence in one’s own powers, judgment, the ability to make decisions, and the audacity to move forward. The opposite of self-confidence is fear, which is a powerful emotion. It is an attitude filled with fear, fear or alarmed worry, an uneasy feeling that something may happen against one’s wishes. Everyone, in one way or another, is affected by fear. There is a fear of war that is present in the minds of the masses. The population is afraid of the continuing state of violence that is spreading throughout our nation. There is also terrible concern and fear for the economic well-being of our nation which is in a delicate state of imbalance. We worry all the time about our jobs, getting old, our health, our families, our possessions, our houses, our money, our future, our fear of failure and, believe it or not, success too.

It is so easy to get caught up in current problems and discouragements that fear paralyzes you. This fear will cement your feet into the ground, which in turn will freeze any potential you may have. When you’re afraid to take that step, you can’t think about how to spend today or even see how far you can go. So you resist and resist and resist, saying that you just can’t do it, that you just don’t see any way out. It’s not possible. This negative outlook will cloud any chance for a better existence by keeping you in a helpless state, unable to accomplish anything. So why bother doing anything at all? You better go back to bed and hide under the covers and still be miserable.

Experience the positive result

However, if you are unhappy with the world you have created for yourself, then start thinking and acting positively about yourself and everything that concerns you. By doing this, you will create a new mold from which to begin a new series of events that will be more to your liking and will help you discover that there is a certain magic in believing. The first thing you need to do is to increase your self-confidence and by doing so, you will also improve your self-esteem and self-esteem. One way to do this is to look for the good in another person and praise them for their accomplishments. Of course, you are bogged down by major issues that are driving you crazy, but sitting at home and thinking about them will only make you feel worse. You have to do something about it. When you take action, you gain confidence in your ability to handle the various situations in your life.

To start with, try to focus on the important problems that can be solved more easily and quickly. This will help reduce the number of challenges you face on a daily basis. As each topic is successfully completed, your fear and tendency to feel defeated will gradually decrease, which in turn will increase your self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-esteem. Write down all of your admirable qualities beginning with “I am,” then stand in front of a mirror and visualize yourself as the person you would like to be. Stand tall with your shoulders back, flash a smile, and speak out loud about all those beautiful qualities. You must believe that you have the ability to bring anything you set your mind to. Promise yourself that you will be persistent in providing continuous action towards achieving your goals. After doing this a few times, I guarantee you’ll have a different opinion of yourself. In part 3 of this 3-part series, we’ll explore the difference between living with a negative or positive outlook, and how it affects your life, for better or worse.

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