How to Treat a Millionaire on Dating: A Guide for Ambitious Women

Imagine that: a woman feeling as nervous dating a man as a man normally feels dating a beautiful woman. When a woman sets out to date a rich man, the dynamic is familiar. She doesn’t want to say anything that will offend him, she wants to be the perfect date and even she may be too nervous to speak in her presence. That is what you call merchandise: the perception of value. A beautiful woman knows that she has it, and often a self-made millionaire man knows that he has it too.

The art of being genuine

That begs the question, how does a person with such a high perceived value want to be treated? Now, how should you treat a millionaire when dating him? Maybe the answer is hidden inside the question. The value here is “perceived”. The millionaire man is well aware of how others see him and how attitudes instantly change once his wealth is revealed. This double “face” or standard in social behavior is what the millionaire man usually finds unpleasant. He wants to fall in love with your honesty. He wants to think that you would love him regardless of his wealth, that you believe in his abilities and good qualities.

Consider that millionaire men generally do not seek millionaire wives. An independent survey on a website showed that of 15,000 single millionaires, the majority of wealthy men actually preferred women who didn’t earn as much money as they did: a staggering 80 percent. Men also revealed that they wanted to date someone who “appreciates things” and wanted to enjoy younger, more attractive women in general. Based on this information, faking your way through a relationship and pretending or even hoping to be a Lady Gaga or Angelina Jolie-type personality is obviously not the direction you want to go. These men want stability; They want someone to care for, someone to cherish. A woman’s basic attraction to a wealthy man who has the resources to care for her, in exchange for strong love and loyalty, is not a dynamic to be ashamed of; it’s simply a niche relationship type that has its own set of unique characteristics. rules and conditions When it comes to serious dating, a man wants to be respected as a provider, but not feel exploited just for his money.

Intelligence and Passion Count

A Prince and Associates study revealed that 89 percent of millionaire men wanted to meet an intelligent woman with equal or higher intelligence than theirs. The study also found that 92 percent of men were attracted to professional women. It may seem confusing that wealthy men want mates to care for, even when they are attracted to career-motivated women. However, the attraction is not necessarily in equal wealth or money; these men are attracted to deep thinkers, social and political activists, women who are passionate about something important in life, even if they don’t have their own wealth to show for it.

The Trophy Wife Clause

While many women love the fantasy of Daddy Warbucks taking Grace Farrell by storm, the truth is that many millionaire men enjoy the idea of ​​having a “trophy wife.” In their careers, their social lives, and among their family members, they are expected to have a “deserving” wife, so they take appearances seriously. This doesn’t mean you have to be a perfect “ten” compared to all women, but being a millionaire’s handshake implies the basics: that you value your appearance, that you care how others see you, and that you work hard and take care of yourself. physically.

Finally, the same Prince and Associates study revealed that rich men want lots of sex, because sometimes money is a powerful aphrodisiac. This doesn’t mean you’re going to cheat, but rest assured, your libido will spike from time to time, usually when your friends, business associates, and contemporaries adore you. As the commitment grows stronger, be prepared to nurture him and give him the “duties of a wife.” (Don’t feel obligated to sleep with him on the first few dates, though. Money or not, that’s a big gamble.) Yes, of course, a woman who genuinely enjoys making love and boosting her man’s ego in bed is going to a five-star surefire catch on the millionaire’s mind. You’ll be his mate, his soul mate, his playmate and his trophy wife all in one package.

Yes, a millionaire man will deeply love you much more than a “sugar baby” if you can honestly build trust and show him that you are worth much more than a million dollars.

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