How to stimulate your creative imagination to generate new ideas that will work like magic

There are ways to stimulate your creative imagination to generate new ideas. Once you use these methods, you will find ingenious and innovative ideas and new original methods that will help you achieve your goal. You will find that they work like magic.

The creative imagination is such a powerful force that it can produce remarkable new inventions, engineering marvels, and masterpieces in music, literature, painting, and sculpture. The possibilities are limitless. In many ways, creative imagination is similar to magic.

There have been many notable incidents in the past, for which there seemed to be no explanation. They were once considered miraculous or magical. One only has to think of natural phenomena such as electricity, radio waves and television. Due to man’s ability to use his creative imagination, scientific knowledge increased and these incidents were found to have a rational scientific basis.

All great discoveries, from early man’s invention of the wheel to modern space travel, originated in the human mind. In all cases, these discoveries came about as a result of man’s ability to use his creative imagination..

When you can use your creative imagination to come up with creative ideas, you will find that they can work like magic for you.

What is “creative imagination”?

Creative imagination is a mental faculty that allows you to create mental images and visualize situations or conditions that you have never actually experienced.

How can creative imagination be developed?

Creative imagination is a faculty that everyone possesses, but in most cases it remains latent and unused. There are a variety of different exercises that you can use to develop your creative imagination.

Once you have learned to use your creative imagination, you can use the features of your previous experiences and rearrange them in new ways and create new inventions, new discoveries, or original artistic creations.

A useful exercise to develop your creative imagination is to read and reread fairy tales and myths. You will find that most of them contain references to magic, but they are actually metaphors.

Myths, fairy tales and the human imagination.

Myths, fairy tales and parables, passed down from generation to generation, have often sparked and stimulated the human imagination and have been directly responsible for the creation of visionary concepts.

The creative genius Leonardo Da Vinci, who used his fertile imagination to produce works of genius in so many fields, referred to a certain “Macchia”, which has its origin in the word “image”, as the “point” that stimulated his imagination.

Da Vinci was also a pioneer in aeronautical engineering. It was inspired by the myth of Daedalus, the Greek craftsman who designed two pairs of wings with feathers and wax for himself and his son Icarus.

Most people never make use of the talents they possess.

Like many others, he has latent talents that have been dormant for years; creative powers that you have never used. These talents can be considered as his personal genius.

There are techniques available to you that will show you how to free your genius from the prison in which you are personally responsible for keeping it captive. You can then make use of your unleashed creative imagination to achieve whatever goal you have set for yourself.

When you read fairy tales you will find that there are usually references to characters with supposed magical powers. In fact, these characters are meant to represent the power of the human mind and its limitless potential. An excellent example of this is the fairy tale of “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp”.

The genius of the story is intended to represent the power of the human mind; the ability to use your natural talents and gifts to achieve any goal you have set for yourself. The genius represents your potential and your creative imagination.

How to free your “Genie”.

Visit the following site to find out much more about creative imagination and the special techniques you can use to unleash your “genius”

by Dennis Fisher

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