How to order without regrets

A reader writes, asking how they can tidy up without getting rid of things they’ll want later.

Big question. Let’s get one thing out of the way first. Most people think that cleaning is only done during spring cleaning. But the concept of spring cleaning doesn’t make any sense. Spring is when you go out and prepare your garden for planting and freshening up the landscape. You take a big breath of clean, fresh air after being indoors all winter and want to stay outside.

The right time to do a major “spring” cleaning is when you’re stuck in the house. Winter is the absolute best time to look around the house and clean from top to bottom, and get rid of what you don’t need. Especially after the holidays and before the new year. Why not start the new year with a little cleaning?

The first thing to do is find out what you are satisfied with and what you are not satisfied with. One of the reasons Marie Kondo’s book on cleaning is so popular is that she tells readers to get rid of things they aren’t “thrilled” with. In other words, you must feel a connection with each of your material possessions. The problem with this method is that what delighted you five years ago may not delight you now.

This is where to start.

  • Set aside a quiet moment to stand in each room of your home with a notebook. Let the scene soak in. Does everything you see contribute to the overall image of beauty and function? What’s extra, what’s missing, what’s out of sync? Write what you see. When you have completed this exercise, you may find yourself calling the charity truck to pick you up. Don’t do more than one or two rooms at a time, or you’ll be overwhelmed.
  • Attitude or mental focus. It’s not about the organizers you buy, it’s about being disciplined to keep only what you use and love.
  • When you feel like your world is organized and where you want it, keep it that way. To do this, clean up as you go and put things back immediately after use. Instead of putting a lot of little things in organizers or keeping them out of sight, store them in drawers, cabinets, or trunks. Yes, you CAN teach children to do this.
  • Make constant decisions about what delights you, and only stick with those things. If this scares you, put things away in a closet for a few weeks to experience what it’s like without it. You can always take it back if you really love it.
  • If you’re really nervous about making cleaning mistakes, spend the money to store it. See how you feel.
  • Never feel bad about spending money on new settings, designs, etc. Over time we change what we think of our things.

Do not look back. You are going to make some mistakes. Remember that it is a material world, the true gifts and possessions you have are in your mind’s eye.

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