How to do Kim Chi Jji Gae

There are many ways to prepare Korea’s most popular side dish, kim chi. One of the most popular ways is to do Kim Chi Jji Gae. Kim Chi Jji Gae is basically a kind of soup; It has water and kim chi and some kind of meat and tofu. It is enjoyed throughout Korea and there is almost no one who does not know how to prepare it. This is the classic way of preparing Kim Chi Jji Gae.

First you will need to get your ingredients. The ingredients are: kimchi, crushed garlic, salt and pepper, meat (usually made with pork but can be substituted with spam), tofu, and water.

Once you are done getting the ingredients, it is time to prepare all the food before you start cooking. Cut the kim chi, tofu, and pork (or spam) into small pieces. This is all for the preparations.

Cooking Kim Chi Jji Gae is really simple. First you put the sliced ​​kimchi in a large pot of water. Put the fire high and let it cook. The main reason for doing this is to soften the kimchi, but another reason is to bring out a different flavor from the cabbage garnish.

While the kimchi is cooking, add the other ingredients. Start with the salt and pepper, and then add the crushed garlic.

Once the kimchi is relatively soft, start adding the chopped pork and tofu. Lower the heat to medium and allow it to cook for a while. For Kim Chi Jji Gae, the longer you cook it the better, but not so long that you burn the Jji Gae.

You’re done cooking! Serve it to your friends and watch their faces light up with joy from the delicious Kim Chi Jji Gae.

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