How to Choose the Best Head Lice Treatment Option for Your Family

Head lice affect millions of families each year. About 95 percent of families in the United States will be affected each year. These tiny bugs are about the size of a sesame seed. They live on human blood and lay eggs, called nits, on the hair. They tend to make people feel dirty and ashamed. Combing them can be a long and painful process.

As difficult and time-consuming as the treatment process can be, it is necessary for the health and safety of everyone involved. There are a few different treatment options available to everyone affected by an infestation.

Prescription drugs – Some people prefer to go to their doctors and get a prescription cream or treatment. These treatments do not always work on the first application and require repeated applications. Affected individuals should tell their doctor if they have asthma or any other health problem. Pregnant or lactating mothers should not use these drugs.

Over-the-Counter Medications – Some people prefer to go to their local pharmacy and buy over-the-counter medications. Like all chemicals, care should be taken to keep them out of eyes and limit skin contact. Please read all precautions carefully before use.

Most of these people go through the treatments and go on with their lives afterwards only to find that the infestation hasn’t gone away. The chemicals used are often just as toxic to humans as they are to lice. This can be dangerous and harmful to both adults and children. Please read all instructions and precautions carefully and contact the proper authorities if accidental misuse occurs.

Natural treatment for lice

Natural lice treatment options are available for people who prefer not to use potentially dangerous chemicals. Essential oils are wonderful for the treatment and prevention of head lice. Tea tree oil can be added to your normal shampoo and conditioner as a preventative measure.

Remember, it’s not enough to just treat your hair. To rid yourself and your family of an infestation, you also need to get them out of your home, car, and clothing. You have to use your preferred head lice treatment once at first and then again seven to ten days later. In rare cases a third treatment may be necessary.

Why repeat treatments?

Most lice treatments do not kill the nits. It is not uncommon for some of them to be lost when the first treatment is done and even when the combing process is complete. The only way to be sure that you are free of an infestation is to repeat the treatment seven to ten days after, the incubation period for a nit.

Removing these bugs from your clothes is as simple as running them through the washing machine on hot and keeping them in the dryer a little longer than usual. They do not survive temperatures above 180 degrees Fahrenheit. Some stuffed animals need to be bagged for two weeks to make sure the lice are completely dead before coming into contact with them again.

Lice treatment and prevention sprays are available for furniture in your home. Again, making a solution from natural, chemical-free ingredients can also be used to kill live bugs on your furniture.

The best natural solution to use on your body and belongings is tea tree oil. Mix one part water with one part oil. You can also add lavender oil which will help reduce the medicinal smell of the tea tree oil.

Lice Prevention

Prevention is very simple. Many people do not feel the need to prevent an infestation until after they have been affected by it; It’s not something everyone does. Simply adding a few drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo will help prevent an infestation. It’s really that simple.

Who would have thought that something so difficult to remove could be so easy to repel? Before you have to deal with head lice treatments, start preventing them. It just makes sense.

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