How much caffeine is too much?

We all love a great cup…

*Did you know that every day more than 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed in the world?
*Coffee is the most consumed drink in the world after water.
*Coffee is the second most traded product after oil.
*Coffee is recession proof. No matter what financial crisis we find ourselves in, we always manage to find a cup.

As a health coach, I talk to many people who spend their average day drinking copious amounts of caffeine.

Not good.

This could be due to lack of time or just laziness to eat!

So skipping breakfast and having a drink of coffee instead and then generally consuming another 2-3 cups throughout the morning to make it to lunch is a surefire way to tackle some issues down the road.

In general, these sources of caffeine would include coffee, coke, energy drinks, or tea.

Caffeine is not essential for healthy function; however, when consumed in the proper amounts, it has a number of positive benefits, such as increased alertness, improvements in motor and mental tasks.

The recommended daily amount to consume is less than 400 mg/day.

How much are you having? Here are some examples:

– 1 espresso of 70-250 mg (depends on the barista)
– 1 level teaspoon of instant coffee 79-90mg
– 1 cup (250ml) of plunger coffee 100mg
-1 small can of energy drink 80mg, large can 160mg
-1 cup of tea 20-50mg

Consuming more than the recommended daily amount can cause side effects such as:

– Increased blood pressure
– disturbed sleep pattern
– increased anxiety
– dehydration
-weight gain (if consumed in the form of milk-based coffees)
-Gastrointestinal disturbances
*More than 1000 mg may cause serious side effects.

Not everyone responds the same way to caffeine, but I know that if I drink more than 2 x coffees a day, I get jittery and feel jittery, so it’s important to find out what’s best for you. Or why not consider a decaf option.

Low doses of caffeine (less than 300mg) can have the following positive effects on exercise:

– increased fat mobilization
-decreases your perception of exertion
– recruits more muscle units for a given activity
-potentially an increase in muscle power

Just 1.5 mg of coffee per kg of body weight is enough to improve athletic performance.

So having a standard coffee an hour before your workout can give you an added bonus, but of course, moderation is the key.

If you feel agitated, irritable and excited after a couple of doses, it may be time to cut back.

Either way… know your limits, listen to your body as moderation is the key!

How many caffeine drinks do you consume a day? What are your thoughts? Share and leave a comment below.

Yours in health,

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