Germs are everywhere!

There are an estimated five non-trillion (5×10 to the power of 30) bacteria alive and thriving on Earth today according to an article on! Oh! They far outnumber plant and human life on this planet. We know that there are “good” and “bad” bacteria. E Coli and the like are bad and there are also viruses! We are continually surrounded by microbes.

We can never be “germ-free” no matter how hard we try. And we wouldn’t like that because the good news is that most bacteria are “friends.” They help recycle nutrients; they are necessary for the digestion of our food, create a natural form of antibiotic in our intestines, enhance our immune system, increase our ability to synthesize B vitamins and absorb other nutrients, and more.

However, it’s when the bad guys outnumber the good guys that the trouble starts. Since we are pretty much surrounded by all sorts of bacteria and viruses and are particularly vulnerable this time of year, I thought it would be interesting to know what some of the most germ-laden surfaces are and how you can keep yourself and your family healthy despite them. from them.

So here are some facts about these germs we coexist with on a daily basis:

Every square centimeter of skin harbors around 100,000 bacteria. And a single sneeze can spray bacteria- and virus-infested droplets up to 3 feet away.

Different surfaces can allow bacteria to live from a few hours to several days or even months. The least favorable type of surface for bacteria to live on is a hard, nonporous surface, such as a countertop, tile floor, or glass.

Cold and flu viruses can survive on dry surfaces for more than 48 hours, while some bacteria, such as E. coli, can survive on dry surfaces for months. Soft, moist surfaces (particularly those with lots of food) are perfect for bacteria. Fabrics, sponges, and carpets that have gotten wet are great living places for bacteria because it protects them from exposure to the environment, dry air, or sunlight.

Money is another surface that bacteria can live on for quite some time. Paper money is usually the worst, but bacteria can also live on coins for several hours. Most money is touched by hundreds or thousands of people, comes into contact with a variety of surfaces, and is porous, allowing bacteria to move deep within the fibers to avoid environmental hazards. Money can harbor bacteria for several weeks at a time, and if it is used frequently (such as $1, $5, and $20 bills), it can become reinfected over and over again.

Office computer keyboards are another microbial playground! A study by a UK consumer group tested 33 office keyboards for microbial contamination. Based on their findings, they labeled several as “hazardous to health.” A keyboard had five times more germs than the seats in the public toilets in the same office! You should periodically clean your computer keyboard and certainly not eat near it!

Public magazines (especially those found in doctors’ offices) and other waiting rooms are another breeding ground for cold and flu germs. Any magazine in bathrooms can also have fecal bacteria (yuck!) If you read a public magazine, avoid touching your face and always wash your hands or use hand sanitizer afterward.

If you work out in a gym, be careful! A 2006 study in the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine found the cold virus on 73% of weightlifting equipment and 51% of aerobic equipment. It is suggested that you thoroughly clean all equipment after use and avoid touching your face until you have washed your hands.

One study found that two-thirds of shopping cart handles were contaminated with fecal bacteria, including E. coli and salmonella, even more than seats in public restrooms. Shopping cart handles are excellent carriers of diarrhea and other potential illnesses for both adults and children.

Be sure to use the complementary sanitary wipes that many grocery stores offer, or wipe down the handles with your own disinfectant. It goes without saying that you should avoid touching your face while shopping, but PLEASE don’t let your toddler suck on the mango like I’ve seen some do!

The Lord thought physical cleanliness was so important that He outlined specific measures for His people in numerous places in the Bible (see especially Leviticus 11-17).

The bottom line is this: wash your hands more (with regular soap and water) and avoid touching your face. These two universal steps will go above and beyond to keep you healthy and germ-free all year long.

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