Forget Billionaires and Millionaires – 3 Tips to Claim Your 1 Billion Status!

This article is intended to help you define your own financial security in life and achieve financial abundance! The essence of today’s message will resonate for each person differently because financial abundance is unique to each person.

Not everyone has to be a billionaire or millionaire in life to feel financially secure. Some people can live to be Thousandaires! You may be wondering, is Thousandaire a word? Well … should it be ?!

Why is it socially acceptable to label some as millionaires or billionaires, but we look at someone as strange if they were proud to be labeled as a thousand-year-old?

What’s wrong with being Thousandaire? Is it because a Thousandaire is considered average? I know … there is no distinction between social classes with this fictitious label right? Technically, most of us are from Thousandaire!

To ramble, are you on the same social level as a student who claims to be an “A” student or a “B” student? We have been taught since childhood that being a “C” student is normal and that we get by. However, should Thousandaires be labeled as having a C in school?

Wouldn’t you look at someone with respect if they had an income of $ 900,000 per year? Don’t they fit as Thousandaire by definition? Suppose that same person on paper is worth $ 950,000. To date, a six-figure income is still considered upper class in America. Judging finances from this perspective, why would we frown upon someone claiming to be a Thousandaire? Perhaps I will consider submitting a request to add Thousandaire to Webster’s Dictionary.

The goal of the article is to awaken our consciousness differently so that we can define a life of financial abundance! For some, abundance is having enough, while for others it is about having real wealth that lasts for generations.

If I were a proverbial genius, and I could grant you a wish that would simply say that you will never be financially broke. That you will always have enough, for any quest for life. Every paid trip, every material need satisfied. Imagine you could throw away your credit cards and carry a good debit card pretty much everywhere. How cool would that be? How would this change your life? Abundance is unique to all of us!

In society, we are quick to label and measure our own financial status by examining what we physically have in the bank. When you ask someone, what does having a million dollars mean to you? You will get a variety of responses! A typical response may be “means freedom”, “do what I want”, “the ability to travel or shop when I want to”. What would you do if someone gave you a million dollars?

“I would pay all my bills and help my family with their finances.” “I would buy a house”, “I would buy a car!” “I would travel!”

Most would probably agree that a million dollars is much easier to spend today than its comparable value 30 years ago. If that’s the case, how much money do you need to define your own financial security?

Strive to define your own abundance and what it means to you! In reality, money is a form of energy that reflects how you feel about your finances. The income you attract in your life is your perception of how you feel about money and what it does for you. For example, if you feel like you don’t have enough money, then you may see yourself living a life of scarcity. You never have enough to make ends meet and there is a shortage in your life.

Here are 3 ways to make positive changes to your financial situation:

  1. Think about changing your thought process and view your financial situation in a more positive light! Every day, wake up and imagine that you have a bank account that will support you financially for life. Instead of striving to be a millionaire, claim that you want enough money to take care of all the activities in your life.
  2. Think about what you have in verse, what is scarce or lacking. In other words, think positively about your financial situation and you will see that over time your finances will improve.
  3. Also create daily affirmations that include the blessings you already have! Be grateful for your ability to attract enough money into your life!

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